Archive for March 2009

Yummy Sunday #20


posted by Jan on , ,


Welcome to the 20th edition of Yummy Sunday. Secret Recipe is famous for their cakes and brownies. They have the best cakes in Malaysia (according to my own opinion). But they have other savory food that is great too. Like this lasagna:

Wedding Symbols


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I kind of wonder where we got the rings as symbols of marriage. Last time I thought it's passive. You just have to have a ring when you get married. Actually, when you visit other cultures, you would be surprised that not all are using gold rings, or any rings at all.

Indian culture would have you wear a chain. And the pendant would depend on which ethnic group you belong. Malayalis would have a leaf pendant. Not quite sure what the meaning of the leaf. But I got that one during our wedding ceremony, along with the rings.

For Indians, wearing a thali or a wedding chain is so distinct and necessary. If you are seen not wearing it means you don't really respect your marriage with your husband.

Taking a Break


posted by Jan on


Taking a family break is healthy. You will be able to spend quality time without distractions. I really had fun with my family on our recent holiday trip. Had fun with my little girl. She is just so sporty. We went did a bit of trail to get us to Johnson's Falls and she walked all the way there and back, with enthusiasm at that.

My boy was an eager hiker as well. He just gets grumpy if we bumped into other hikers and they talk to him... it's so Schenker.

Anyways, I loved our holiday. It might not be like one of those Vegas vacations but really... It was a good -er not even good - great family holiday.



posted by Jan on ,

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No, we're not going to Australia (though I wish we are). But I saw the movie Australia by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. It was quite an interesting story... like it says a lot about Australia's history... and the tribal people called Aboriginals. I didn't know that they had intermarriages between English and Aboriginals, but the result was mixed. So they were not white, they were not black either... kind of brown. That's where the complications started. But it's not where the story revolved. I'm not gonna tell you the story. Go check it out yourself.

I actually watched the movie from my computer and resulted in strained neck. I watched it from my computer because the DVD didn't wanna work in the dvd player. Nowadays, with the convenience of watching movies from portable players, who would need a big screen? Or who would need tv stands to put the big screen on? I probably would still need them. It's always better to watch dvd movies on TV.

Cameronian Inn


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We stayed at Cameronian Inn for our first night in Cameron Highlands. It was a budget hotel, actually. The room was very basic. There were 3 beds, which we pulled together to make one big bed for all of us. The bathroom and toilet were shared with other guests. There's no safe box so there's no way you can leave any important things like passports, jewelry and money, not that we had a lot of money to be left behind. The weather in Camerons was cool so we all snuggled on one bed out of three beds that we pulled together.

Yummy Sunday #19


posted by Jan on , ,


We had strawberry ice cream when we visited the strawberry farm in Cameron Highlands last week. Although the climate there was cool, we still enjoyed the ice cream.

yummy sunday #18


posted by Jan on , ,


It was our friends' son's 3rd birthday the other day. I thought of making cupcakes for him. It's been a long time since I haven't been making them. My cupcake decorating is still random. There's no specific pattern. I need to work on it. By the way, I used butter icing this time, instead of my usual royal icing. I was happy with the result:

Mommy Moments - Sleeping Time


posted by Jan on , ,


This is a bit late late. Took me a long time to find sleeping time pictures. But here's my entry for this week's theme - sleeping time.

Prinzy falling asleep while daddy was reading with Kuya.

sleeping or pretending to be asleep?

For more on sleeping time entries, click the badge below:
mommy moments

Sunway Pyramid


posted by Jan on


The first mall that we visited after coming back from Cambodia was... as you can guess... my favorite mall in Malaysia, Sunway Pyramid. We had a couple of guests with us so we took them there as well. Went to Nando's Restaurant for dinner. We were planning to watch a movie but decided not to. Schenker didn't like to be in a noisy place. The last time we went to watch movie as a family, he complained so much. Too noisy, he said.

We just went around. I love Sunway Pyramid. Not only they have good signage, they have impressive receipt printer as well. So high tech! Love going to Marks and Spencer's there as well. They have these very affordable toiletries available. I didn't buy anything though... but planning on shopping there next time. Love the play area as well.

Yummy Sunday #17


posted by Jan on , ,


Welcome to the 17th edition of our Yummy Sunday. For this week's entry, please take a look at this Applie Pie from Alice's Restaurant.

After posting your yummy sunday post, you may now post your name and url at Mr Linky's. Don't forget to visit other entries too! And most of all, let's have fun!

Yummy Sunday #16


posted by Jan on , ,


This week's entry is a super yummy looking tenderloin steak by The Hinge.

I will be away on Sunday until Thursday next week. But I will try to visit Yummy Sunday entries then.

I have also written a post on How to join Yummy Sunday. Like what I said, there's no hard rules here. Just us showing our food photos, having fun and making friends.

If your yummy sunday post is up, please don't forget to sign your name at Mr Linky's below, add in the permalink of your yummy sunday entry. Don't forget to visit other entries as well. Have fun!