Archive for August 2010

Children's Seminar


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I have been doing kids' seminar for 7 years now. I have done it in different parts of Malaysia. I don't do it regularly though. Only when a company/organization asks me to. The last one I did was out of Malaysia. My husband is keen on promoting it as we offer a very good program for kids to discover God's heart for His people. We probably need a brochure printing so if anybody asks about the program, we can just give it to them to read. We usually have this very long info regarding the program. Guess it would help if we have a brochure of it, sans my name.

I am so excited for this program, especially now that I have developed a follow through program for it, aside from doing some practical applications by visiting the not-so-fortunate communities.

Driving to Thailand, Again?


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I just posted about not going out of the country till the end of the year. But while I was writing a post just now, my husband asked me whether I would want to go with him to his Thailand trip in December, with the kids. For four of us going, that would mean a bomb in the financial department as it would cost so much for four of us to fly. That would mean one thing. If I wanted the kids to go with us, we need to drive to Thailand instead. Did I want to? The husband asked. Of course, I wanted to. I guess I should start preparing now, check whether our auto insurance is up to date.

I also need to check if it doesn't clash with my friend's Vietnam trip. Gosh. There's too many options for an outside of the country trip now. LOL. Did I just say I didn't wanna have a trip til the end of the year? Confusing me.

Sewing Machine


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My mother used to have a sewing machine like this where there's a pedal you need to push up and down under it to keep it going. I used to love the sound of it. My mom would usually get busy at the beginning and end of school year as there were a lot of friends who would come and ask her to sew dresses for them. She would sew all of my and siblings dresses too. Of course, we had an advantage because we could design our own dresses. I designed my own prom dresses. We did have two proms in high school, didn't we? One in junior level and one in senior level. Anyways, I would always sit by my mother and talk to her while she's sewing. Those were one of my most memorable times with my mom. I tell you, I would be narrating my dreams for my future and we sometimes ended up laughing. But one thing for sure. Most of the things I told her came true. How did I know? She would tell me.

Carlo Rino


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After signing up as a member of Carlo Rino brand, I get notification a few times a year for their promotion. They have (independence) sale going on now so they're offering a 100RM pay back for every 300RM purchase, on one receipt. Isn't that great? You actually spend 200RM only for a 300RM-item. Carlo Rino has cute handbags and shoes. I love their product. It's an Asian brand so it's not very expensive.

I just wish they have women's dresses available too. I'd probably get one for myself from them. But on the other hand, grateful they don't have. Otherwise, I need to save up for a dress too, in addition to what I save for a nice hand bag.

Washy Wishy Week


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This week, I've been spending time washing things at home. I washed the curtains, the shaggy, rugs and the couch covers. The most difficult of all was the couch covers part. It took time to get them off; it also took time to put them back. That's the time I wished we had rustic furniture in our living room instead of those comfy cushy couch set. But anyways, it always pays off to wash those covers. It makes a difference, especially when you just wanna sit down, relax, and spend time with your loved ones.

Tomorrow is intended to wash all the bed sheets and curtains upstairs. Didn't I tell you this was my washy wishy week?

Insuring the Gadget


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I am so amazed to know that you can actually insure a gadget regardless of its size. I mean last time, I thought you could only insure some big stuff (not to mention J-Lo's behind). Hehehe. Kidding aside, when I saw there's such thing as iphone insurance, I straight away thought of getting insurance for my new camera. I wonder if it's possible. I may have to ask around. For the meantime, I am checking if it's available online.

Going on Another Trip


posted by Jan

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No, not me. I am not going anywhere until the end of this year. I haven't have a concrete plan yet, at least. Although I really wanna join my friends for their Vietnam trip but I don't think I can afford for another out-of-the-country trip for this year. If there's a provision though, I would straight away pack my bag (and camera) and go. My husband is going outstation for work.

I'll be alone with the kids again. That would mean I have to think of ways to entertain them so they won't be bugging me about when their father is coming home. I guess I have to do face painting or making personalized basketballs or maybe making cards with them. My girl asked me if we could do face painting again today. But I hesitated because it's too hard to get the paint off their faces. But I guess I have to do it with them again so they can have fun while daddy is away.

The Girl


posted by Jan

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I love photographing my girl. But she's not patient enough to stand and be still and she would usually give me that forced/fake smile. And while she's doing that, I would usually just snap my shutter away and just look at the best photo later. This photo is my favorite. Although she's once again giving me that fake smile... but I loved and sweetness of it. I kind of adjusted the brightness setting so it gave me this kind of brightness. I know that I'd be needing a good lighting equipment in the future. For now, it's the normal lighting at home that I am using. Would Hinkley lighting give me a natural effect? I guess if I know how to set up my camera and position the model, it could.

For the meantime, I am using a natural source of lighting (the sun) for my outdoor photos.

My boy has a different moods when I photograph him. If he's in the mood, he would do everything I ask him to. If he's not, he would never allow me... not even to press my shutter. He gets very upset when I do that.

There's nothing like respecting the rights of the kids. And so as a mommy photographer, although I have two beautiful photography subjects at home, it is still a challenge to practice, especially getting that perfect portraits from my kids.

August is a Sale Month


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Malaysia intended the whole month of August as a sale month. It means it's 30-day of sale anywhere in Malaysia. We have quite a few memberships from shops and we get notifications every year. I just got notified by Carlo Rino and Clinique. I know it's a good time to shop but looks like I'm gonna miss the sale this month. I have actually bought a few clothes for my kids because they really needed to upgrade their wardrobe but for me and my hubby, I guess we could wait. I so wanted to buy him some designer ties but I guess it could wait until December when there's gonna be a nation-wide end of the year sale again. As for Carlo Rino, I really want to buy that white/off white purse but again, I guess it could wait, too. December won't be that too long to wait.

Christmas Gift List


posted by Jan

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It's going to be September in a few days time. In the Philippines, you can feel the spirit of Christmas at the start of the ber months. So everybody would start greeting each other and whoever greets first may get a Christmas gift from the person he or she is greeting. It's kind of like a joke, actually. But really, people start making a Christmas list on the start of ber months.

In some of tropical countries, December time is peak season when the sea is calm and blue. So a lot of people from the west come and take a break here. I guess it's timely to give flip flops or any other beach accessories as a gift. In the west, we can think of winter apparel and accessories for a Christmas gift.

Actually, you can give just about anything. It doesn't matter what. It's what the thought that counts, right? ;)

Selling my Old New Camera


posted by Jan

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You probably know that in June this year, I bought myself my first ever dslr camera. I didn't plan to buy this kind of camera but when my girl accidentally did something with my old compact camera, and we were going out of the country in a few days time, I was desperate to buy a new camera. Sony A380 was the most affordable for me. Sony A380 is designed for beginner's level and I thought it was the best for me as I didn't know anything about dslr. Glad I bought this camera. I learned so much and so fast using it.

Now I have decided to move on to a more advanced level. I just upgraded. And so I wanna sell my old and yet new camera. Anyone wanna buy? I am getting some free Online Classes and free tips about photography nowadays. It's kind of slow but I believe I am getting there. I just hope that I can sell my old camera so I can afford to buy a good lens and external flash. Really hope so...



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My friend loves to go on a trek. The last time she went on trekking was last week, in East Malaysia. This is just one of the activities they do in their church group. The next scheduled trekking will be next year, in Mulu Caves in Miri, Sarawak, in East Malaysia. I was thinking, maybe it would be a good experience to go on a trek. So I asked my friend to please let me know of their next planned trek. Guess I would need to buy trekking gears like led headlamps, good walking shoes, cap, sunblock lotion, etc. Right now, these are the things I know that I need to prepare. Need to find out more.

The Visitor


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One thing I like about our house now is that it has a lawn in front so I get to keep plants and flowers. And because of this, we have quite regular visitors that visit our plants/flowers. We have different-colored butterflies flying around. We do have dragonflies too. I always wanna take a close up photo of them and when I finally got a camera, I tried taking some photos. This was the best shot I took, using Sony Alpha 380. It does give some brilliant colors, doesn't it?

I would love to one day just sit on our front porch on one of those patio chairs and just watch all these visitors dropping by. But of course, I know that once I see them, I couldn't help it but tempted to take some photos.

Indian Engagement


posted by Jan

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Have you attended any of the engagement ceremonies the Hindu way? I have. My husband's cousin invited us to attend their engagement ceremony and I took liberty to take photos of the event.

The engagement that took place had gift exchanges, between parents first and then later between the couple. Apparently, for Hindus, they don't use diamond engagement rings but the couple exchanges round gold rings. Not sure whether this applies to all but it was the only engagement ceremony (the Hindu way) I have ever attended.

I guess it would be good to ask around.

Cold Country


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My boy dreams of going to a cold country and experience sitting in front of Amish fireplace. Guess this rooted out from watching Barney Christmas edition. They show snows and fireplaces. Well, I dream that one day, if there's another chance, all four of us can go to a cold country. It doesn't have to be America only. We are open to wherever God sends us. Europe would be great too. :D I am dreaming again. Hmmm... guess all four of us can definitely go to a cold country.

Friend Hospitalized


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My friend was rushed after finding out from pulse oximeter that her blood pressure has gone up to 245/135. The doctor said she could have a stroke with that blood pressure measurement. One thing funny was, she went to the reception area, told them it's an emergency, told them the blood pressure reading. She was asked where the patient was. When she told it was her, they let sit on the chair, didn't allow her to move and talk. She was looking quite fine when she went to the hospital but her bp reading was already very high. Thank God nothing happened to her.

Guess with our age and all, we should be careful with our diet and physical health and start exercising.

Sakae Sushi


posted by Jan

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I just posted that I took my hubby for a Japanese food at Sakae Sushi. It's our first time to go there, actually. I was quite impressed with the service there.

You can get hot water right where you are seated.

And you don't have to call the waiter to make an order. Each table will have this "monitored" menu and you just choose what you want to order from there and the waiter will come to serve it - unless of course, you're opting for sushis.

There. I look tired. Not feeling well, by the way. But can you see me radiating from within? LOL. I am grateful for God's blessing.

So was hubby, who enjoyed his sushis.

Celebrating God's Goodness


posted by Jan

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Today, I got one of those that I dreamed to have. It's one of those days that I feel dazed, amazed and blown away by God's greatness. Therefore, I concur that the more I dream, the more I end up having/getting that dream. I guess God sees the heart, too. He is awesome.

Took my husband for a Japanese food after getting my new toy, as a celebration for God's goodness in allowing me to get it. Anyways, I have grown to liking Japanese food, again. I stopped eating when we went to this Jap Resto for Valentine's Day and I got sick after that. Took me a while to appreciate sushis again.

Japanese food is so healthy, esp the sushis. It's not oily. Oily foods by the way can cause breakouts. Sometimes, it gets worse and you would need Acneticin to treat your acnes. So it's better to try to avoid oily food. I am trying but sometimes, I tend to crave oily food. Guess it doesn't hurt if taken once in a while.

Anyways, Sakae Sushi was very good.



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There are so many complains nowadays that people bring work to the house, thus taking out their time with their family. I guess what we don't realize is we are trained from young to do so. Why did I say this? Even from kindergarten years, we are trained to do homework from school. I mean, we all should just do everything in school our schoolworks, right? But no, the teachers would be glad to give the kids some work to do at home.

My hubby has taken charge to help my son do his homework. I am not very good at following up. I tell my son to sit down at the school furniture we bought for him so he could do his homework at home, and I leave him like that. The hubby would usually follow through.

Sometimes it can get very stressful to hear my hubby "teach" my boy.

But for a few days now, my hubby cannot talk. So when they do homework, it's very quiet and peaceful. And I am loving it. :D