Archive for January 2014

Paleo for Kids | Beef Steak with Salad


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I am doing a semi-paleo dinner for kids tonight. I haven't figured out how to make that creamy soup yet. Will have to do more research for that.

Meantime, I used Campbell's mushroom soup. Schenker loves that so much.

Anyways, here's my semi-paleo dinner for kids tonight:

Beef steak

Served it with:

Romaine and cherry tomato salad

Mushroom soup

Samantha asked for more beef steak! Good thing I have one more in the pan. Next time, I know that I have to do more than what I did tonight. Winner!

Paleo for Kids | Coconut and Almond Muffins


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I just realized I have a coconut flour right under my nose. And I was like... :Why is it so hard to find you, coconut flour?

Anyways, I bought a couple pack of dessicated coconut and I could actually use a blender and turn it into coconut flour. Although I have spoiled my blender in the process, left too long to blend the dessicated coconut, it's quite worthy to realize I could get a coconut flour wherever I am.

Also, through googling  it, I realized I knew how to make virgin coconut oil. I used to do it for my hair on my younger days. Just didn't like the after-smell.

I will definitely make my own virgin coconut oil next time, once I get a chance to go to the market to buy meself coconut.

Anyways, yeah... coconut and almond muffins for breakfast for my kids? Why not!

Here are my ingredients:

1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup organic almond powder
1/4 cup organic honey
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3 eggs (beaten)
2 tbs virgin coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

Here's how to make coconut and almond muffins the Paleo way:

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix together the eggs, baking powder, coconut oil, sea salt and honey.
3. Add in coconut flour and almond powder. Mix well.
4. Line the paper cases with olive oil in the muffin tin.
5. Place the mixture into paper cases halfway.
6. Place into the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Tada!! It's a big hit! 

Paleo for Kids | Coconut and Almond Muffins

Paleo for Kids | Ratatouille with Bacon


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Yay! I finally made my own Ratatouille, my own style. I added a little bit of bacon bits (leftover from this morning's oven-baked egg with bacon) to make it the vegies tasty for kids.

It's my first time to cook ratatouille - I have actually been wanting to do it - and I'm giving myself a pat on the back for making it because I thought it was really delish! Hahaha. Forgive my over self-confidence. I am just happy it turned out well.

Here are the ingredients for my very own Ratatouille with bacon:

1 Zucchini
2 medium sized eggplants
half red capsicum
half yellow capsicum
half green capsicum
cherry tomatoes (because I forgot to buy tomatoes)
fried bacon bits.
1 large onion
garlic powder
sea salt
extra virgin olive oil

Here's how I did my Ratatouille with bacon dish:

1. Cut the zucchini, eggplants and capsicums in cubes.
2. Brown the eggplant in medium heat with the extra virgin olive oil.

3. Take out the eggplant, brown the zucchini.

4. Take out the zucchini and brown the capsicum.

 5. Take out the capsicum and add oil to the pan, sautee the garlic and onion until golden brown.
6. Add in the bacon bits.
7. Add all the browned cubed veggies (zucchini, eggplants, capsicums)
8. Add the cherry tomatoes which are cut in half.
9. Throw in pinch of sea salt, herbs and garlic powder.

10. Simmer until cooked.

Paleo for Kids | Ratatouille with Bacon

 Serve while hot.

I served it with the left over beef patties I made last night which is waiting for me to blog about. Hehehe.

Till next time. And if ever you try doing this, let me know how it turns out.

I am loving my Paleo lifestyle.

The secret of a good ratatouille is to cook the vegetables separately so each will taste truly of itself. —Joël Robuchon, The Complete Robuchon

Paleo for Kids | Baked Egg and Bacon


posted by janet on , , , ,

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This recipe was inspired by my friend Joanne who has been posting her Paleo food on instagram. The moment I saw it, I tried it straight away. I just modified my recipe, according to what I have in my kitchen.The kids loved it... so it's coming back to our breakfast table.


bacon bits
garlic powder
chili flakes
olive oil

How to make baked eggs with bacon?

1. Stir fry the bacon bits in olive oil in a pan.
2. Set aside cooked bacon.
3. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
4. Prepare the muffin tray.
5. Sliver the olive oil on paper cases to use on muffin tray
6. Shell out the egg and place into the tray, unbeaten.
7. Add the bacon bits.
8. Sprinkle some garlic powder and a bit of chilli flakes.
9. Bake for 10 minutes.
10. Enjoy! The kids did!

I served this with my leftover Cauliflowr and broccoli fritters I made yesterday for breakfast. 

Paleo for Kids: Oven baked egg with bacon, before cooking

Paleo for Kids | Oven-baked egg with bacon, ready for kids to devour.

Paleo for Kids | Cauliflower and Broccoli Fritters for Breakfast


posted by janet on , , , ,


It's an adjustment for kids to eat cooked food for breakfast. For one, they usually eat either cereal with milk or bread with Skippy or bread with Nutella for breakfast. If I am not lazy enough, I would make french toast drizzled with honey for them and that's all.

Since I want them to live a Paleo lifestyle that I have been doing, I decided to make something Paleo for breakfast for them.

Cauliflower and Broccoli Fritters.

Ingredients are:

broccoli (diced)
cauliflower (diced)
Haloumi cheese (grated)
2 eggs (beaten)
garlic powder
sea salt
mixed herbs
coconut oil

Here's how to make cauliflower and broccoli fritters:

1. Heat the coconut oil in a pan (I use medium heat).
2. Mix all the ingredients.
3. Form patties out of the mixture.
4. Fry until brown on both sides.
5. Enjoy! My kids did. <3

Before frying in coconut oil.

Paleo for kids | Cauliflower and Broccoli Fritters for Breakfast

You must have noticed that I use a lot of Haloumi cheese for my cooking. Haloumi is a goat cheese and it is widely acceptable for those Paleo dieters. I use feta cheese from time to time, too, though.

Anyways, this recipe is a winner for my kids!

I can't wait to try other Paleo recipes for breakfast for my kids. :P

Paleo for Kids | Sweet Potato Pancake


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I am giving primal food another try. I had to google up all the information I could get to be able to start again. I googled up some kid-friendly Paleo recipes and found Sweet Potato Pancake very interesting.

Apparently, sweet potatoes are Paleo food. And if you're doing Paleo diet, sweet potato would become your staple in your pantry. Anyways, I like to modify stuff because I can't follow cooking instructions and I usually do my own measurements. Made sweet potato pancakes this morning. Had to wake up at 5am to get me started.

Here are the ingredients:

Sweet potatoes (baked, peeled and mashed)
Coconut milk
Almond powder
Vanilla extract
Olive oil
Honey (optional)

Mix all the ingredients.

Heat the olive oil in a pan at medium heat.

Scoop up the mixture and cook until it turns golden brown. Flip over and take out once the other side turns golden brown.

You may drizzle with honey. My kids love honey so I used it. I, personally, skipped honey because I am into Keto Diet.

Did I just say I'm doing Paleo diet? 

LOL. Anyways, they're quiet similar but I am doing Paleo slowly because I am doing it with my kids.

Here's my sweet potato pancakes, Paleo style.

Paleo for Kids | Sweet Potato Pancakes

Passion Conference in Manila


posted by purethoughts

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I heard from my friend that come March 28 is the Passion Conference in Manila. I could only wish I could go-- I so miss being in worship conferences like that and challenging the next generation to obey God's call in their lives is definitely one of my greatest passions in life.

 Attending the Passion Conference in the States a few years ago was one of my  most memorable moments, joining with different nations in worshiping God. Some of the world renown worship leaders and bands led us in worship and it was just an awesome experience! I have never been in a band myself so I did not notice if they used trombone straight mute at guitar center but whether or not they do, I didn't really care. I was too busy enjoying the music and the presence of God!