My House, My Home

posted by Jan on


I had been spending a lot of time cleaning up the house now. Since the start of October, we've been having parties at home. We have two more parties coming up before December. And no, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. It's just a celebration for my and hubby's 5th wedding anniversary and my girls 2nd birthday. Year-end season is no joke for us as we get too busy with parties. But I love parties. Last week, we hosted a party for my husband's culmination program for his Bible Class this year. They had it in our house. It was a pot bless (or luck) actually so I didn't do all the cooking myself. But really spent time making our house cozy... You know when your house is cozy, it's an equal to the term a home. There's nothing like making your house a home. I actually took out our bamboo blinds and just use curtain. Now the house looks softer with the yellow curtains.