Archive for 2009

Travel Year


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This year has been a year of travels for me. Getting to see places, experience new cultures, taste new cuisines are truly a dream come true! I consider the trip to the US as the Lord’s special gift, perfect before the year ended. Hubby and I were also discussing on a good investment for next year. Would a life insurance be a good one? It would be odd for some people—but the honest truth is, it would be a very excellent investment. The value for our money increases through time, and at the same time it is protecting our loved ones when they would need it the most.

Cut Down


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My friend was sharing to me about how the global crisis is affecting their business. Though against her will, they might be laying off some employees next year to cut down on expenses. I told her she’d better invest on a project management software. That little thing could do wonders! She can not only save on time and labor costs, she can even expand her market globally. Sure, she will have to spend money to purchase one, but the savings she gets out of it will truly be worth it.

Narita Airport, Japan


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We are now at the Narita Airport Terminal in Japan. We got off the plane at 6:30 am, Japan time. We waited at the terminal until 8 am to get a bus that goes to the main terminal.

We just exchanged currency because our flight to Atlanta will only be this afternoon. Quite surprised that Japanese Yen is stronger now. For 50RM, we got 1,100 Yen.

We went looking for food and ended up eating at McDonald's. For two of us, we paid 50RM for 2 breakfast sets. Hmmm... quite expensive, I may say. But we had to eat.

Our counter will only be open at 11:30. I have more time to go around the airport terminal. Geez... it's like walking in a mall here. Too many signature shops and I can only drool.

To Buy or not to Buy?


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I know of some people who are not so comfortable at the thought of buying life insurances as it connotes death. Some friends just think the explanations made by agents are way too complicated with a page full of numbers and seemingly endless calculations. Almost all of them think it is not a need and is just an extra expense. I used to agree with them until lately.

I’ve been thinking, for someone who travels a lot, I need to get a term life insurance online. It’s actually easier as I can take my time comparing rates and better services myself. Buying one is not an expense as I have not lost my money. The issue here is protection for me and my family, don’t you agree?

Things to go!


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I have been doing an inventory for our accumulated things lately. There's just too many to de-clutter. Glad that one of our friends are having a new baby soon. I get to dispose some baby furniture. Our baby cot is still in the living room. There's just not enough room in our storage for it. So I am glad to get rid of it. One of the things for keeps though is the stroller. It's not of those Baby jogger city select strollers but it's definitely a keeper. Others can go.

Anyways, I have a few more days to do this stuff. Then I will do some inventories of my business online. It would be cool to see how much I have earned this year.

Air France has Responded!


posted by Jan


I just posted about about our Air France flight recently, saying that we wrote to Air France management and asked for compensation for the trouble that we went through. I also posted about the hassles of booking a flight from travelocity. I was just writing my experience with them and not blaming anybody. You know what, today, we got the reply. From Air France.

They explained what happened and why. In compensation, they gave us travel vouchers for two, we can use it anywhere in the world and valid for one year.

Wow... if getting stranded with Air France and getting a compensation like this, I truly won't complain. LOL. It's just too bad that we can't use it for cross country moving. But well, we won't be doing that any time soon... or ever. So it's okay.

I am glad to be able to get a reply from Air France. Will definitely fly with them again.

Bonjour! ;)

Air France Flight


posted by Jan


We flew from London to Bogota by Air France. I found the flight from travelocity. We booking in our side here, but it didn't seem to get through. We asked a friend in Thailand who's from the US to do the bookings for us but it didn't get through either. We asked my friends Steven and Aisha who are currently living in America to do the bookings for us. It didn't get through at first but on second try, they were able to book the flight. It was a hassle but we were grateful for them for doing the bookings for us.

On our way to Bogota, the flight was on time. We didn't have any problem. On the way back to London though, the problem started. From Bogota, we're supposed to touch down in Paris for a 9-hour transit. We reached Paris in the morning and our supposed flight would be in the evening.

We didn't need to check in because we were in transit only. We waited at the boarding gate an hour earlier. Then one shuttle bus came and took us to the Air France plane. When I saw the plane, it looked like it was junked. And I started praying. Remember the Air France plane which didn't make the flight and crashed somewhere? I got a bit concerned. Hubby felt the same way too.

We stayed at the shuttle bus for a long time, wondering what was going on. When one of the crews came to us and told us something (in French), the passengers started mumbling about something. Then we realized our flight was canceled due to lack of airplanes available. At least, that was what one of the French passengers told us.

So we went back to the terminal. Others were given a hotel stay outside the airport. Since I didn't have Schengen Visa, one of the crews tried applying a visa for me which apparently was rejected. So they put us in Air France VIP Lounge to stay for a night. It was freezingly cold outside. I didn't have extra coat with me because they were all packed in our checked in luggage.

And so, we stayed there for a night, were given a meal, and free usage of internet. Since we were on jet lag (10 hours time difference between Colombia and Paris), we couldn't sleep well that night. And you can guess we had dark eye circles because we were practically awake for 24 hours!

Anyways, our flight was at 7:30 in the morning. Somebody came and picked us up from the lounge at around 6:00 am.

We tried writing to Air France management and asked for a compensation because we had to let go of our hotel booking in London. But so far, we didn't hear any thing from them yet.

We also tried to contact travelocity because we bought insurance for the flights but they were asking for some credit card infos and documents. Didn't want to hassle my friends about it. So we had to let go of the insurance.

Will I use Travelocity again? Definitely, not. Will I fly Air France again? Well, if I can get a good airfare, I would. It's the cheapest we found from London to Bogota. So I was grateful for Air France about it. We had to go through some hassles but we were treated like VIPs. Only, they neglected our letter of appeal for compensation.

Diet Update


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I started using USANA Reset last month but when we left for London, I stopped taking the supplement. I was worried that if I stopped using, I would gain back the weight I have lost. You know, USANA products are not that cheap. It would be a waste of money if I gained back the weight in just a few weeks. In London, we didn't eat much. But when we were in Bogota, we couldn't resist the food. So I thought I have lost hope in maintaining my weight. But when we came back from our trip, I weighed myself and to my surprise, I didn't gain at all. I maintained my weight! Right now, I'm doing a portion control when I eat. I cut down on my rice intake. Sometimes, I indulge myself and I don't do portion control at all. But my weight is still the same. I would like to think that I don't need weight loss pills anymore. But then again, I am still a few kgs extra away from my ideal weight. I know I need to work on losing some more. I have 20 more days to go.

Cold Weather and Skin Type


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I am missing to be in a cold weather. Actually, the weather in Malaysia is getting cooler. Last time I checked, (like 3 minutes ago) it was 27 deg celsius. I know it's nothing compared to zero degrees my friends in the US are experiencing right now. I am just missing the cold weather. My skin type is oily and I noticed that in cold weather, it doesn't get oily that much. The tendency of having an oily skin on the face is that the skin tends to break out a lot. And if not cared for properly, you would end up having lots of zits that sometimes, it gets to the extent of doing acne treatment. Oily skin needs to have a water-based cosmetics, especially when you live in a tropical place, to control the oil "production." Hmmmm... I wonder if oil-based cosmetics would work on my skin type if I try it in a cold place. That is yet to be tried.

My Christmas Wishlist


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I don't really have material things that I want for myself for Christmas. Although I wouldn't complain if somebody gives me Samsung HDTV as a Christmas gift. LOL. Anyways, paypal has this promotion of creating a wishlist and just by doing that, you earn $1.00. I think you just post it in your status update in facebook and if friends click on it, you will earn some more. I did it, created my paypal wishlist, and post it on my facebook. That was last week. Today, I checked my paypal account but I didn't see anything from paypal. Hmmm... I wonder if it works on others?

What about you? Do you have a wish list for this Christmas? Is it something tangible?

Tenaga Surprise


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Tenaga (Electric Company in Malaysia) has taken us by surprise again. I think surprise is an opposing term. Shock is the right term I guess. So yes, Tenaga shocked us again with RM1,000+ electric bill.

What happens is, when we get our bill month by month, it doesn't really reflect on the right amount of usage. They usually base it on the previous month's bill. So even if we use more electricity, if they haven't checked our meter, and if they haven't calculate the right amount, we get the same bill. And so what happens is that we use more electricity when we have guests, and we can only get the right bill 3-5 months later.

It happened twice already. One time it happened when we were still in our previous house, and it happened again last month. We don't really know the exact amount of electricity we use per month because our Tenaga guys just assume our usage.

So yes, we're a bit tight for this month for paying up the miscalculated bill for the previous months. That also doesn't include our electrical supplies cost. I can just imagine how it would be like if that happens all the time.

I just hope that next time, we would know our true electric consumption and if the bill is lesser, we can set aside the extra amount for the next time's Tenaga surprise.

My Autumn Wear in London


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When I knew there was a possibility of me going with the hubs on his trip to London-Colombia, I decided not to shop for clothes unless and until I got my UK Visa. We started with the UK Visa application preparation after our trip in Brunei, 2 weeks before our flight schedule. Of course, I already had my air tickets for the whole trip then. I knew it's gonna be autumn in London and same weather in Colombia and I didn't have proper gears for this kind of weather/climate. But I waited until I got my visa. Funny thing was, my first UK Visa application was rejected because I didn't have the original invitation from the conference organizers in Colombia. So we had to email them and ask them to send us. They sent the original documents straight away but I only got it the next week, on Wednesday. Take note that our flight schedule was already the next week after I got the original invitation, on Monday. Usually, the VFS Agency would notify that application is processed two days after we submitted the documents. But Friday came and I still didn't hear from the agency. I was planning to shop for clothes on that Saturday. But like I said, I didn't hear any thing from them. So on Sunday, we decided to just borrow from my sister-in-law (who has lived in New Zealand) before something to wear in autumn. Of course, since they're borrowed, I wasn't properly coordinated.

I only got my UK visa at 11:00 in the morning on Monday and our flight was at 3:00 pm. I was dazed. Good thing was, I already packed my clothes along with hubs'.

On the first day, I didn't feel quite cold. So I wore this and got away with it.

But it got colder so I had to wear something more. I felt very awkward wearing this: (scarf off color with my sports shoes)

But in London, nobody really cared. So I also got away with it.

But when we were walking about at Notting Hill street, I saw a few retro shops. We went inside... and was thrilled because all those second hand items were authentic and not very expensive. I didn't see Dansko shoes but I saw a lot of boots. I tried on different ones and I finally got a pair my size, the color of which matched my bag, authentic leather, and my kind of style, at 10 GBP. That was like... wow! I could buy something like that with the same amount in Malaysia, but it would be only for a fashion pair of boots... and not authentic which cannot guarantee a long life.

And of course, I love going to Marks and Spencer's. I saw a matching cashmiri scarf that matched with my boots and my hand bag so I bought one. And this was my put-together autumn outfit: taran!

Note: coat was borrowed.
Another note (to self): must polish my boots. :D

Finally, A Good Night Sleep


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I know. I'm still dazed. Amazed. Blown Away. LOL. But I finally got my good night's sleep last night. Yesterday afternoon, when my body clock said it's time for bed, I refused to take a nap. I was groggy the whole afternoon. But I tried staying up. We had an early dinner and had fishball soup and eggplant grilled and then fried with egg. Since the daddy had a speaking engagement last night, we didn't wait up for him. At 8 pm, i was already in deep sleep while the kids were still playing and waiting for daddy to come home. I think I woke up a little when he came home... but that's all about it. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning! Really thank God I finally got my whole night's sleep. You know when you don't have enough sleep it can get your skin dry and aged. Having enough sleep means no need to use wrinkle cream early on.

I hope tonight will be the same. It's really good to be back to my normal routine. And of course, it's great to be with my darlings again. Did I say that already?

Still on the Jet Lag


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It has been more than a week since we came back from our London-Bogota trip and yet I am still feeling the jet lag. Kuala Lumpur and London time difference is not much. There's an 8-hour difference. Kuala Lumpur and Bogota has 15 hour difference also. But we flew back from London so I've been considering the 8 hour lag. My friend who is currently based in London said it usually takes her a week to get over the time zone difference. And mine is already a few days after a week.

Last night, I went to bed early... probably at 9 pm. Then I woke up. I thought it was already 4 am. I came downstairs and saw the kitchen clock. It's only 1 am! And I was like totally awake and feeling the freshness of the new morning. LOL.

Anyways, I have read some tips on how to deal with jet lag... and actually doing some... to no avail. I'm probably just different. Also, my husband is still jet lagged. He wasn't like this when he came back from the US last time. I think it only took him a few days to recover.

Yesterday, one of our friends who went to Bogota called my hubby. He came back home earlier than us and told us he just got over the lag. So we're thinking... it's probably the Bogota time zone we're adjusting with and not the London's.

Anyways, maybe I try to go back to bed and force myself to sleep... or follow the tips like drink warm milk, watch something on one of those LCD tvs, maybe read a magazine... or maybe stay online. LOL. Possibilities are endless. But the point is... how do I go back to sleep? That's a real challenge.

Heathrow Airport, London


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There are a few airports in London. Depending on which airlines or countries you fly, they have an airport specifically assigned for you to go. When we flew to London from Kuala Lumpur, we took Air Asia airline, so we landed at Stansted Airport. When we flew from London to Bogota, Colombia, we took Air France so we flew from Heathrow Airport. Heathrow is obviously better than Stansted.

We went to Air France office when we reached the terminal to confirm our flight. The rest of the night, we were at the airport lounge.There were only chairs and no tables nor ping pong tables. So we had to sit/lie on the chair all through the night. And then there was 1 GBP per hour fee for internet usage. So I only used an hour of internet, just nice to check if I had some writing assignments waiting for me.

Covent Garden, London


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Covent Garden in London is famous for its shops, street performers, bars, restaurants, theatres and the Royal Opera House. Covent Garden is an Italian-style piazza packed with restaurants, bars and fashionable boutiques. Surrounded by Theatreland, in the heart of London's West End, the area is recognised as the capital's premier entertainment and leisure destination.

We went to Covent Garden twice. The first time was just to check it out because our Frenchie friends we met at the hostel were talking so much about it. We went there in the evening. Most of the shops were closed. On the second time we went there, we made sure we went earlier, only to find out the shops close earlier on weekends. LOL. But there are a ling of pubs and restaurants in Covent Garden. There are a lot of stores and boutiques selling signature products. They might even have some weight loss products but because most of the shops were closed, we didn't find any.

When you talk about fashion and entertainment in London, Covent Garden is the place to go.

Napoleon's Nose


posted by Jan


One of the trivia I have learned from our tour guide... he was probably picking up on us... was from this picture. If you've noticed, there's a nose stuck in the post. Heresays says that it's Napoleon's nose. LOL. I have to look into the internet about it. It might be true, it might be a joke. But he told us it was a nose.

There are a lot more photos I took from our visit in London. Most of my photos are old buildings made of bricks. There were buildings that has walls made of glass tiles. But I took more photos of the old buildings.



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I think my body clock is still adjusting to the new time zone. Yes, I sleep at night... but I can only sleep for 6 hours. I wake up in the morning at around 4am and I couldn't get back to sleep. When we were in London, I couldn't sleep much. We were sharing a room with others and some would come in the room late at night and in the morning. I was always half asleep half awake when we were there. I think the first thing that I need to do when I go back to Malaysia is to get an eye cream. I don't feel sleepy at daytime though. Not really sure. Maybe I have insomnia? I hope not.

Losing Weight Post Pregnancy


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When I was pregnant for the first time, I got so excited I read a lot of books about pregnancy, delivery, post pregnancy, etc. I knew then that if I exceeded my pregnancy weight limit (which was 15 kgs for my age and height), it would be hard to lose the weight after delivery. For my first, I was very careful with what I ate. In fact, I didn't have much appetite for food. But I gained 3 extra kgs. It took me a year to shed off those extras.

With my second though, my pregnancy was different. No matter how much I ate (I even drank sodas), I was still in my weight limit. In fact, I only gained 12 kgs overall my 2nd pregnancy. It was then very easy to lose weight. My only problem was my tummy. Everytime I meet new friends, they would ask me if third one was coming. I definitely thought of doing a weight loss surgery Mexico. I think my tummy needs surgery. It just doesn't wanna go down. I tried doing crunches before and before it got down, I got tired of doing it. Of all the crunches I did, I think the Pilates was the hardest of all to do.

Anyways... with my diet right now, I think I'm starting to lose weight in the middle too. I think, to couple it with exercise will be more effective. I just need to find time and motivation to do so.

Farm Town Versus Farmville


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So I've been to both: Farm Town and Farmville. I didn't do them at the same time though. I waited until I reached level 34 in Farm Town before I started with Farmville. So which one is better? I can't say really coz each one offers different features than the others. Although the rest of virtual farms are copied from Farm Town only. Farm Town is good in the sense that there is an interaction. And if you don't have time to do your farm, you can hire other virtual farmers to do it for you. While Farmville is faster and has more interesting features, Farm Town enables you to design your own farm. Farmville is limited in this sense. But one thing I like about Farmville is that it gives you a reward for reaching a certain level, harvested certain amount of crops, trees, etc. It's really fun but you get to work on your own. It's kind of a lonely lane... but they offer new features almost everyday. There is a cattle house (dairy farm) now that can house for up to 20 cows and you can milk them in one go. I hope they offer cattle supplies too where you can make your cows produce milk in an hour. LOL. That would make all farmers in Farmville busy then. Better not. LOL.

Anyways, I'm almost reaching level 34 in Farmville and I am saving for a villa Once I reach that level and once I get the villa, that will be the end of my Farmville life. Then I can concentrate more on my blogging (and my other small farms like Barn Buddy and Love Farm). Hehehe.

Reward Chart


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Boys and cars go together, I think. My boy has been asking me to buy him some more toy cars. He actually asked if we could buy him a real car. But we told him we couldn't afford it. So he said toy cars will do. He asked me whether I could give him a toy car with car accessories for his birthday. There was this animated movie called "Cars" and his friend Sanjay has a collection of those cars. Now he wants me to buy him those also.

We actually have a reward chart for both my kids. So I told him he could collect a lot of stars and we will buy all the stars from him so he can have money to buy himself some cars.

Reward Chart does help. He now picks up his clothes after him and puts them in his laundry basket on his own. Hehehe.

My Kids


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Since we came back from Brunei, my girl has been displaying some kind of attachment to me. I think it's because I have been leaving her a lot to my parents-in-law this time. When she goes to sleep, she would ask me if she could sleep on my tummy... And she would just roll her head on it. I think it's the "jelly-nish" of my belly fat that's making her feel so comfortable. LOL.

Now we've been spending a lot of time with her and her brother. Since both of them got sick this week, we didn't send them to school. It's good though because we have time to make up for the time we were not around. They're not used to be away from us. That's why.

Our Trip To Brunei


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We had a fruitful trip in Brunei last week, thank God. We had a very generous host. We stayed in one of his apartments and felt like we were in a good hotel. Last time, when the hubby visited them, he was arranged to stay in Brunei Hotel. So we thought we would stay there too. But we didn't and the hubby told me that the apartment was better than that of Brunei Hotel.

Suffice to say, we had a good time there, except that we had a little bit of a drama when I took photo of a not-supposed-to-take-photo-of-this-building. It was a hard lesson to learn. The good thing was, the owner of the building was our host. So he asked for an apology for the drama. But still, it was a lesson for me.

I wonder if in new orleans louisiana, they have a building that's occupied by high ranking officials it's not allowed to take photos even the ones adjacent to the building? Hmmmm... Next time, when I take photos, I make sure that I am allowed to do so.

A Gift as a Sign of Gratefulness


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Do you think giving some loose diamonds as gifts to parents good enough to thank them for their kindness? Just thinking about what gift to give to my parents-in-law again for taking care of the kids while we are away. The first time that we asked them to take care of our kids when the hubby and me went for an 8-day holiday to Phuket last year, we took both of them for a long holiday break in Macau, Hongkong and China in April this year with us. I think it was a good example to do that because the next thing we knew, my sister-in-law, who has been gaining favor from my parents-in-law for taking care of their kids while she's at work, took my father-in-law to a dinner on Father's day - for the first time. Now that we have asked my parents-in-law again to take care of the kids while we're on travel, I'm thinking again on what gift to give to them as a sign of gratefulness.

Missing My Kids


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The past few weeks had me found busy with work. I have been going with the hubby for some work. Two weeks ago, I joined him in Melaka for thePlan09 Conference. We stayed at home for 3 days and traveled to Thailand for 3 days, stayed one night at home and the next day, we flew to Brunei.

I think you cannot have your piece of cake and eat it too. I am missing my kids so much. I wish we can take them wherever we go... but since our trips require our full attention, we couldn't take them with us.

Hopefully we can go for a short vacation when we go back home on Monday. It would be good to spend time with kids again. We'll probably just drive to a nearby resort... There's no rv in Malaysia... that would mean no need to buy rv insurance. But I guess, if you do have an rv, you can always check the internet for the insurance.

It's Saturday now. Two more days and we're going back home. Can't wait to have my arms wrapped around my kids. I just miss them.

Travel Blessings


posted by Jan


Hubby and I just came back yesterday from our fruitful trip in Ranong, to visit the work and the workers among the Sea Gypsies (Mokens). Hubby asked me to go with him because he needed some Moken profile photos. I can say that I have improved a bit with my portrait photography. Thanks to articles on photography tips online. I kind of have an idea how to take shots. Now all I need to do is pray for a DSLR. It doesn't matter what brand... I just wanna have a better camera and probably divert my hobby from blogging to photography. NOT! ^_^

Now, we're on our way to Brunei. It's gonna be my first time to go there. There's a church (that hubby visited last year) that invited me to minister to the youths and the children.

I love traveling and even though these trips are for work, I feel like I'm going for one of those Orlando vacations. This is just one of the blessings we get when we obey and serve God... meeting our hearts' desires and actually enjoying it. God does want us to be blessed... all we need to do is open up our lives, our vessels, so that others can enjoy His blessings also. And the more the blessing flows though us, the more that we are blessed... And God is pleased because then, if we truly wanna be a blessing, He gets the glory and not us.

The Story of Joseph


posted by Jan


Last month, when my parents were still here, our church did an evangelistic program. They had a play called The Story of Joseph. Since my kids were so much into Bible Stories, we didn't wanna miss watching it.

Our church, FGA (Full Gospel Assembly), is a mega church with 8,000+ members. And when they do presentations/plays, they're sure to be world-class shows. The backdrops had always been delicately made... The last Bible story play we watched was the Story of Jonah, which, until now, my son (2.5 years old then) still talks about it.

Since my parents were here also, all of us paraded to church and watched the play. The Story of Joseph (the dreamer) has always been my favorite story/character in the Bible. So I was glad to be able to watch it with my family. And once again, I was awed at how much effort they spent in making the play as beautiful as it was. And as usual, I admired the costumes, make-up and backdrops. Since the scene was during Biblical times, you could see a lot of brick-made walls and not sure whether they had it made in Ft Myers custom doors, but the buildings with nicely done doors were just amazing.

The actors/actresses acted very well... and the singers were just awesome. The script and the songs were carefully and beautifully written... One can't help but be in tears towards the end of the play. Well, who wouldn't be in tears to hear the story of Joseph? It's an issue of forgiveness and no matter what our brothers/families or even friends had done to us, God always asks us to forgive because He first forgave us.

It's a good experience for my kids to see plays like this.

Additional Notes:

Fats-Filled Us


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It's not just a fats-filled me but a fats-filled us. Why? Because the hubby is in, too. We started doing this Mayo Clinic Diet together 10 days ago. It's more on protein-and-no-carbohydrate diet. What worries me is the fats we're taking in. According to the diet menu plan fats don't produce fats. Fats burn fats. So the more you eat fats, the more you burn fats. Indeed, both my hubby and I had lost weight.

After this 12-day diet, I think I need a colon cleanse or a detox just to flush out all the not-so-good stuff we ate during this 12-day diet. We have two more days to go to finish this plan.

After this, I wanna be healthy again. Like the real Mayo Clinic endorses. To eat all the food in the food pyramid, according to their nutritional value.

... or Jerusalem Diet.

Will have to blog about it soon coz I'm still on the research about it.

My Kids' Visitors


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My kids had been having regular visitors these days - all of them Schenker's classmates in his school. One of the blessings we have here is that 3 other kids from these housing area go to Schenker's class. And they all like to go to the park. Since our house is just across the park, the kids would come here too and play with my 2 kids. Shcneker would normally take them straight away to his room. They would play there for a long time. I am glad because I don't want them to be playing in my living room and mess up everything. My living room furniture is new and I wanna keep it for a very long time. So I'm keeping them safe by having the kids play in my boy's room. Speaking of furniture though, I wonder how much a patio furniture would cost? It would be nice to have one of those in our patio.

Anyways, last night, Hui En only left at about 11 pm. She and her mother (and one other) came to our house to talk about something. Hui En's mom is Indonesian Chinese and can only speak Bahasa (little English). So when we talk, my hubby would be there to interpret for me. She's actually an inspiration because the last time I saw her, she was rather on the plus-sized side. Now, she's very thin.

Would like to have more of her coming to my house so I can dig out her secret.

So when they left last night, I told Hui En she could come to the house and play with Schenker and Samantha everyday. LOL.

Diet Update


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Yes, I have started dieting. And if you have a link to my other blog at Janet Speaks, you will see my day-to-day musings regarding my diet. I am, by the way, on my 10th day now. I feel very lightheaded. 12 days is just way too long for me to skip on other food. The good thing about it is, I can still go to my favorite restaurant and eat my favorite food there.

The challenge now is the diet follow-up. I don't wanna lose weight and after the program ends, start gaining again. It would turn my "suffering" into waste. I'm on the lookout for best diet pills too. If you know of any that you think is best, will you let me know?

Anyways, I have 3 more days (that would include today). And I'm so hanging in here. LOL.

I-CARE Blog Contest


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My other blog, Expressions and Thoughts, is hosting another contest and is giving cash prizes and entrecard points to the 3 chosen winners. Please click on the badge for more information.

...because I care...

Fashionable Eyeglasses


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How You Can Start Spending Smart? How can we actually buy a fashionable and yet affordable eyeglasses? I know. With $ 8 Rx eyeglasses from Zenni Optical, one can sure do some savings and yet doesn't have to limit their fashion style. I saw some of the fashionable glasses and if ever I have to wear one, I would chose this pair as my favorite high fashion eyeglasses:

These two pairs of fashinable glasses would make it to my top 3 favorites too:

Injured Lawyers


posted by Jan

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Have you heard about the Tennessee injury lawyers? They basically help those injured since 1960. And their aim is to help those who are based in Tennessee. Their lawyers must be doing well, the fact that they have been doing the family tradition for almost 5 decades.

Hubby and I just watched the movie "One Way" and it's just unbelievable that lawyers could just twist the story... or worse, use your words against you. Those are really smart lawyers. I believe though that those lawyers who defend the innocents are very noble.

Anyways, I wonder if any of my kids are going into that career. Both of them have a very strong reasoning power. Hmmm...