Farm Town Versus Farmville

posted by Jan

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So I've been to both: Farm Town and Farmville. I didn't do them at the same time though. I waited until I reached level 34 in Farm Town before I started with Farmville. So which one is better? I can't say really coz each one offers different features than the others. Although the rest of virtual farms are copied from Farm Town only. Farm Town is good in the sense that there is an interaction. And if you don't have time to do your farm, you can hire other virtual farmers to do it for you. While Farmville is faster and has more interesting features, Farm Town enables you to design your own farm. Farmville is limited in this sense. But one thing I like about Farmville is that it gives you a reward for reaching a certain level, harvested certain amount of crops, trees, etc. It's really fun but you get to work on your own. It's kind of a lonely lane... but they offer new features almost everyday. There is a cattle house (dairy farm) now that can house for up to 20 cows and you can milk them in one go. I hope they offer cattle supplies too where you can make your cows produce milk in an hour. LOL. That would make all farmers in Farmville busy then. Better not. LOL.

Anyways, I'm almost reaching level 34 in Farmville and I am saving for a villa Once I reach that level and once I get the villa, that will be the end of my Farmville life. Then I can concentrate more on my blogging (and my other small farms like Barn Buddy and Love Farm). Hehehe.