Dad-in-Law's Birthday

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We all went to Banting today... spent an afternoon with my parents-in-law. Dad celebrated his 62nd birthday. Mom cooked. And as usual, I brought my juicer with me plus carrots, green and red apples and watermelon. It's always nice to drink fresh fruit juice. It's a bit pricy compared to buying boxed juices, but it's worth it. I don't like drinking from the boxed juices because it can easily make me gain weight. Coke doesn't. So if there's no fresh fruit juice, I would rather drink coke than bottled or boxed juices. I don't make sense, I know. But that's how my body works! Anyways, kids had a great time in Banting. Banting has improved so much. There's a lot of new shops and there's even a mall just built-up. I saw Secret Recipe while driving... and I was thrilled. Secret Recipe has really great cakes and brownies. I think they have the best cakes and brownies in Malaysia. There are of course more clothes shops, door hardware shops, fast food restaurants like KFC and McDonalds. The old, shaggy Banting town is now blooming. We came home rather late. That's always the case when we visit the kids' grandparents in Banting. The kids had fun with the dogs, too. The girl now is trying to touch Clumsy... the boy can play with her already. Great exposure to animals as they used to be scared of dogs.