Children's Seminar

posted by Jan on

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I'm doing a children seminar again tomorrow. It's so timely that the kids are not around. Of course, I'd be happy if they went with me. It helps them a lot when it comes to exposure... and to see their mommy teaching. But sometimes, when they're around, teaching becomes more challenging. I've been doing this kids' seminar in Malaysia for 6 years now. I use the same program over and over again. No matter how many times I have done this, I still get that public speaking anxiety. Not sure why. I thought before that once you do it many times, you'd definitely overcome the fear of speaking in front of people. But I still get that anxiety. Maybe it's because everytime I do it, I want to make sure that everything goes smoothly. And sure, everytime, it goes on smoothly. But I still get nervy no matter what.