Coconut Jelly

posted by Jan on

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I'm not really sure what's the name of this coconut thingy. It tasted like it was a young coconut juice made into jelly, put back there, and closed it again with the cut part. I called it coconut jelly because of it. Since I love eating young coconut flesh and milk, I appreciated this one. Hub's uncle gave this to us, along with 10 others. LOL. It seemed like I had more than ten because it really filled up my fridge.

It was good. Not good for diet though. I really wished that this belonged to
foods that burn fat, but that's a wishful thinking. It doesn't burn fat. It produces them. I am so glad I only had 10... Otherwise, I wouldn't stop eating... and gaining more pounds as a result.

But really, it's a good dessert. I don't mind having it again.

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