
posted by Jan on

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I haven't been working for two days now. I blame it on the terrible headache. Today, the whole day, I didn't write at all. But I have to. And so I asked the hubby to buy me panadol. I took two tablets and now I'm feeling much better. It's hard to get sick when you have something to do. Some sickness could be avoided and some couldn't. Some that can't be avoided are those viruses you get from other people. Some that can be avoided are those you get from being unhealthy i.e. sleeping late, waking up early, eating unhealthy food, etc. Those can contribute to stress. I think if I don't stop and relax, I would be running to get a hold of term life insurance prices by now. LOL. Anyways, I have decided to lay low a bit. Get my full night's sleep, having a balanced diet, etc. And so, to make me have a good jumpstart to my resolution, I'm gonna go sleep early... at 2 in the morning. LOL. Anyways, I had a long afternoon nap with the kids. That's why I'm still feeling so fresh and awake. Seriously, I need to hit the sack... like right now. Good night, everyone!