Archery in Sunway Pyramid | The Archer in Me

posted by Jan

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It's been a long time since I wanted to take my son to an indoor archery in Sunway Pyramid. Last week, we walked past the sports center and he asked me when we can start playing archery. I promised we would go back the next week.

And so to fulfill my promise, we went to play archery today.

It was fun launching Schenker and my sister Jirah into the world of archery. Schenker had so much fun hitting archery targets. :D

I was thrilled to revive the archer in me as well. I tell you, when I started holding the longbow and the arrow, it felt like there was never a gap in years when I last played it.

If I remember correctly, the last time I played was when I represented my province to a Regional Competition when I was in high school.

Yes, I was a good archer. But now, I need to brush up the skill.

I want my son to take after me. He seemed to be enjoying archery. So I hope we'll continue doing it.