Travel As Things-to-do in Our Love List

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One common interest amidst the many others both me and my DH have is we both enjoy going for holidays. We have traveled quite a bit and we have enjoyed every single moment of it.
We have enjoyed meeting people of different cultures, understanding their worldview, and even appreciated their food. The experience has just widened our perspective on life. Life is really bigger than we think. There is just so much to enjoy in life.

Interestingly, we travel so much, and one might wonder how do we do this, or they might think that ‘money is growing on trees in their lawn’ , but the reality is we always search for cheap holidays so we can stretch our dollar and cents to the max.

Even our trips to the US, we were able to enjoy cheap holidays. We had friends who were willing to host us, and we used discount coupons to save on meals and shopping.

One of the things we wrote on our ‘Love List’ when we first got married was we would go for holidays every quarterly. In the early years we were able to keep to that commitment but as the kids grew older and started going to school, we had to slow down on holidays as holidays become more expensive. Nevertheless, we have still been able to go on short holidays because of cheap fares.