damai laut trip - part 3

posted by Jan on ,


the next day:

woke up and went for the buffet breakfast. it was a real treat as they served emmental cheese. yum. i just love emmental cheese. dh is not a big fan of it... but i did indulge in it. after breakfast, we went swimming in the pool. schenker stayed at the kiddie pool most of the time and samantha was in the grown up pool most of the time. we basically spent the rest of the day in the pool and at the beach.

my boy said towards the end of the day that he wanted to go home already. we asked him why. he said he's "full of swimming already." hehehe. he probably meant he's had enough of swimming already.this was how they looked like after a full day's swim. good for them. it was the first time for both to stay in the pool and played at the beach for a very long time. they truly enjoyed their time.

the jacuzzi and sauna:
i went into the sauna room before finally going into the room. i brought with me all my spa materials... spent an hour inside just dumping myself into jacuzzi and having my skin burnt from the dry sauna. hehehe. brought some sea-salt scrub too which i bought from the philippines last year. it was a truly rejuvinating experience. the children activity center is just adjacent to the sauna room so hubby and kids waited for me there and take a peek from time to time. (no photos to be posted here though - all personal. hehehe)
the bath:
since hubby wasn't able to do the sauna, i prepare an oil bath for him. mixed some dried flowers (lavender, rose, marigold and chamomile), olive oil as a carrier oil and some essential oils. i am very careful in choosing essential oils coz there's a lot of fake ones available in the market. you would know they are fake when they don't give you the desired result. i bought mine from the body shop.

the end:
that went our day and the rest of the days we were at damai laut. we were planning to go to taiping to visit taiping zoo there... they have the best zoo in malaysia, i've heard... so i wanted to visit and for the kids to visit too. but we enjoyed damai laut too much we didn't think of going out to go to other places anymore. maybe next time.

the credit:
i just want to thank God for giving us this holiday package for free. imagine staying in a 4-star hotel room for 4 days and enjoyed its facilities - for free. it was awesome. God is awesome. i thank Him for blessing us with friends who gladly bless us too. :) thanks drs. swee ming and kok moi.

the next trip:
and watch out for our next family trip... it's gonna be soon.