My Kids' Visitor

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Today, our previous house owner came with his daughter. His daughter is just slightly older than Schenker. My kids were excited to see her. They showed her around the house and watched Samantha's favorite show, Barbie As Rapunzel. I was just so amused to listen to their conversations... especially when Samantha was trying to have a conversation with her.

Anyways, they are moving in only next month. They are staying in a hotel now. They're just waiting for the cargo to arrive in Malaysia where they send their furniture and stuff from Holland. They will probably use a truck with truck accessories to move their stuff from the cargo. Not really sure how it works.

Here, in Malaysia, they use the term lorry instead of truck. So when you want to move your house stuff, you call a lorry. I think truck is an American term.

Anyways, I am glad that there is a girl next door which Samantha could be-friend. Schenker's friend, Sanjay, always come to the house and Samantha would play with them too. I am worried that she would only know the boys' stuff. Now that Alyssa is around, she can have a girl-friend too.