Business for 2011?

posted by Jan

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Everybody's setting goals for 2011. I haven't sat down and think about mine yet. We've been traveling the past couple of weeks. It has been a great family trip, doing Christmas parties for the less fortunate folks, putting smiles on the faces, visiting old places we knew before, meeting old friend and creating new ones. It truly was a great trip.

And now that we're home, it's time to sit down and reflect on what has transpired the whole year. Were expectations for 2010 met? What were our disappointments? What were the things that need improvements? So many thinks to ponder about for the year 2010.

And of course, for the year 2011, we need to set goals again. It's always great to have something to look forward to. Is setting up a business in one of those goals we have for 2011? Maybe, yes. Maybe, not. It won't be easy to set up a business. You need to think a lot of things. You would have to register your business and make Business Logo Design. These and more of things to do in order to set up a business. Then there's feasibility studies to do. Would it work? What's the target audience? Gaaahhh... just thinking about it overwhelms me already.

But one thing for sure, when we make a goal, make sure it is feasible and reachable. I may have to stay at home with kids when the hubs go for his trips or go with the husband and leave kids at home. Well, let us see. All I know is that we're making another big trip before year 2011 year ends.