Christmas Parties for the Mokens


posted by Jan

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The Mokens are a sea gypsies of Thailand. Well, they're sea farers but over the years, they have settled on the Andaman islands. After the tsunami hit in 2004, there has been a community development among them by Christian organizations. Before the tsunami, they were very adversed to the people trying to help them.

Now, you can see a lot of developments within the community. My husband overseas a community development project for them. He goes in once a month. This time, because the kids are on school vacation, we decided to come with my husband.

We did Christmas parties on 2 different islands, on Ko Rhao and Ko Phayam. It's just so priceless to see the smiles on their faces.

When you get to the island, you would wonder what they would care. They live in such a simple lives. While we people who live on a mainland, developed and developing places, we busy ourselves with trying to do more and get more and even get the best life insurance online while these sea gypsies are just trying to live their lives one day at a time.

We were talking about it yesterday, how simple their lives are and how we're so "fortunate" to living our lives the way we do... and if these people are less happier than us. I didn't think so. They might not have everything but they also don't know they can have a lot of things. They don't miss anything.

But it's just great to see the smile on their faces when we did the Christmas program for them.