Polishing the Silver


posted by Jan

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I am finally polishing that silver-plated tea set I bought from Vintage Oohs and Aahs in Atlanta.

This tea set brings an interesting story:

When I was in Atlanta, my friend took me thrift shopping a lot and I was really loving it. I guess we have gone to 4 or 5 thrift shops and when I thought we had enough, we passed by a Vintage shop. We thought we just wanted to see what they had.

When we entered, I spotted this old tea seat. I went and looked. And looked. And thought: should I buy it? I was really loving it because of its classic look. But I was worried with my luggage allowance. I left the shop not buying it. Gosh it was only 15$!

We left and arrived home but my thoughts were still on that beautiful silver plated tea set and I thought I'd probably regret all my life not buying it.

My friend Maria was so gracious enough to offer to drive me back.

And so yes, I have it now.

I went to d-i-y store yesterday and found a silver cream to clean the tea seat with.

So now, I am polishing my classic silver plated tea set. :) and I am loving it!