My Church

posted by Jan on ,

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I am a church goer. Usually. But when my husband goes out of town for work, I don't go to church. I go to FGA (Full Gospel Assembly) in Kuala Lumpur. This church is super huge. You know why? It's a theater turned into church. This church started by two elders in one of their houses (house church) with a few people fellowshiping together. 25 years later, they have like 8,000 members! Can you believe how phenominal the church growth was? My husband started going to this church 21 years ago. And he never left this church. I am glad coz I like singing and fellowshiping in a big crowd. During praise and worship time, it feels like we're having a concert everytime. Nowadays, a lot of services happen in a theater, especially in a church where there's a big population. It is so easy to fit everybody.

Our church may not be a theater like service but what I'm going to tell you might be of interest to you. Actually, there is going to be a first-ever inaugural Theatre Church Conference in Silver Spring, MD on October 22 & 23. That's about 11 more days to go. If you happen to be around the area and you want to experience a theater like service, you can Find out more about it in their website at My church is probably not like this one... I mean like theater like service... But I can just imagine the impact it would be if I attend a service which is something like this.
