Both my kids love God.
One day, Schenker and I had a conversation.
Schenker: I wanna go to heaven because I want to see Jesus.
Me: Not now, boy. When the right time comes, you will see Jesus.
Schenker: But I really want to go to heaven now. I really want to see Jesus.
Me: Then we won't have anymore Schenker.
Schenker: Nevermind, we all can go together and be in heaven together.
Hehehe. This conversation happened a few months ago.
Last night, on bedtime, my Samantha just blurted out:
Samantha: Mommy, I am thinking about God.
Me: What are you thinking about God?
Samantha: I am thinking... I wanna sayang God; I wanna love God; I wanna hug God; I wanna listen to God.
Me: (speechless and heart swelling with joy I almost cried)
Samantha: But Mommy, why God can see us and we cannot see Him? I want to see God.
Here is the heart of a small girl and a boy. That's why God loves children. They do have a heart of a real worshiper.
According to Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
I pray they'll continue to have hearts like these until they grow up... until they finally see Jesus, face to face.
Here's Samantha singing Chris Tomlin's How Great is Our God song, I took this video last month.

Me: Not now, boy. When the right time comes, you will see Jesus.
Schenker: But I really want to go to heaven now. I really want to see Jesus.
Me: Then we won't have anymore Schenker.
Schenker: Nevermind, we all can go together and be in heaven together.
Hehehe. This conversation happened a few months ago.
Last night, on bedtime, my Samantha just blurted out:
Samantha: Mommy, I am thinking about God.
Me: What are you thinking about God?
Samantha: I am thinking... I wanna sayang God; I wanna love God; I wanna hug God; I wanna listen to God.
Me: (speechless and heart swelling with joy I almost cried)
Samantha: But Mommy, why God can see us and we cannot see Him? I want to see God.
Here is the heart of a small girl and a boy. That's why God loves children. They do have a heart of a real worshiper.
According to Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
I pray they'll continue to have hearts like these until they grow up... until they finally see Jesus, face to face.
Here's Samantha singing Chris Tomlin's How Great is Our God song, I took this video last month.
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