In Malaysia, school year starts at the beginning of the year, January, and ends in October. My son has been going to kindergarten for 3 years now. We haven't regretted any moment of it. He has learned so much from kindy. He can now read books for juniors. If my memory serves me right, when I was his age now, I just started to learn how to read. My boy is such a good reader. I am so proud of him. He is also very good in Mathematics. Samantha hasn't been interested in reading. She's into drawing and writing. My boy hates writing. Hahaha!
Anyways, today is Q-dees Concert day... which means my son also will get his certificate of kindergarten completion.
At eleven months old. we entered him in a baby competition and he won the most energetic baby award. On his first year in kindergarten, he was chosen to do the class presentation speech (because he could talk) for the concert and he wasn't even 4 years old yet. And he likes to invent stuff by using some things in the house.
Now he's going to finish his kindergarten. Gosh... Soon I'm going to have a primary student in my house. I'm kind of nervous because they say education in Malaysia is quite tough. But thinking of where we're sending our boy for primary school calms my nerves.
I mean, when we send our kids to school, we don't only think of academic stuff for them, do we? We also think of their moral behavior and stuff like that. In an environment where it's easy to get peer pressure, all we could think of is sending him to a school where they emphasize simplicity.Schenker @ 7 weeks - when he said his first "da." Did I tell you he can talk? LOL. He's unstoppable since then.
Schenker at 3 years 11 months (almost 4) doing his class presentation speech for Q-Dees Annual Concert.
Gosh. That was 2 years ago. Now he's leaving his kindergarten/prep years and entering his primary years. I am not sure whether it's worth getting something like Blue Cross Blue Shield NC for him. We haven't even gotten an educational plan for him yet. But of course, we have a life where we live one day at a time. I know his education is insured by the Father we serve. Amen.
Lord, I just thank you for being faithful to Schenker. Thank you for providing for all his needs all these years. And thank you for providing for his primary school education needs. I speak in faith. And Lord, may you continue to get the glory in my son's life till we all see you face to face. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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