Archive for November 2010

Bowling Galore


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My son's friend, Sanjay, invited him for a bowling as part of his birthday gift from Sanjay's Aunt. And so, we all tagged along the other day.

We went to Sunway Pyramid Mall at their Mega lanes and took two lanes for 3 families. One lane was for parents and one lane was for the kids. They sure had lanes for the kids, too, having boarders on the side to make sure the bowling ball hits the pins.

We were amazed at Samantha who did a strike once and a second top scorer among the other 5 kids, all of which were older than she was. She even scored higher than her father. LOL.

The kids had so much fun. I am sure we will go back there for more bowling sessions.

My Wedding Ring


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My wedding ring is exactly like the one above. My husband's is the bigger version of it. It's a yellow gold band with 0.02 carat diamond on the center. During the time when we were shopping for our wedding, the economic really went down due to the SARS disease that spread from Singapore. I think the value of gold has also gone down then. We got quite a good deal on the ring, at 30% discount.

When my boyfriend-then-husband-now and I saw the design, both of us fell in love with it... on the first sight. We didn't have enough money to straight away buy the ring (oh well, we didn't have enough budget for our wedding as a whole anyway), so we just reserved it. It only cost us 200RM to book those wedding rings.

And when we visited my in laws, we were talking about it. My brother-in-law offered to buy it for us, as a wedding present. We were so amazed at his generosity. And of course, it was by faith that we booked the ring, even without the budget. God provided through a family member. I could fully remember how I wanted to cry when my brother-in-law said he was going to pay for it... and then took out cash for us to buy the rings straight away.

It was just one those stories of God's faithfulness when we were just planning and preparing for our wedding.

I had a choice between white and yellow gold. But I chose the yellow. It looked better on me. And so all my jewelry now are of yellow gold and not white gold. And so when the husband wants to buy gold jewelry for me, it definitely is going to be yellow gold.

I believe in the investment of gold. For some rich people, they invest in gold to preserve their wealth and maintain their purchasing power.

Being in College


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My sister is in college. I know that being in college is tough (been there done that) and not just because of assignments, projects, professors or the courses itself but also the finances. Some subjects require money since you have to pay for the laboratory fees and equipment or even buy the necessary books.

Because of this, students have to think of innovative ways to save money while living healthily and efficiently. One way is to share a textbook with a close friend who happens to be your classmate but then the downside to this however is, well, you have to share. The library can be a good source of references and you may find the exact book you need but then you’ll have to compete with a thousand other students. The most promising way would be to rent books for the whole semester so that you do not have to buy an expensive book, share a book with another person, or compete with others for a single copy of a book. If there are no book rentals nearby then you can check rent used textbooks online. There is a big chance that you’d find the book you need.

With these schemes in mind you can help your family in a way where you don’t have to buy books that you won’t need again. The extra money could be used for other important purposes. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

The Perfect Novel?


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So here I was sitting on my favorite throne, thinking of continuing the novel I’ve been writing which I abandoned two months ago. But I cannot seem to make up my mind on the protagonist, location, the love interest and everything else for that matter.

My initial plan was to set it in a tropical area but then I would like to experience snow, even just voyeuristically. Leafing through a back issue of National Geographic magazine, I saw the perfect setting. The villa was located not far from a quaint village with busy crowds huddled in their layers of coats to ward them off the cold. It boasts of complete amenities and even a high speed internet connection. Every villa has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, some hot tub decks and a terrace overlooking the little village.

The first scene would be in a coffee shop with cozy chairs and surrounded with books. I like this certain setting because I love coffee and of course, books. The woman behind the counter would be concocting a cappuccino and then she hears the sound of the door chimes, looks up and… my imagination stops there. For now. Because it really sounded so cliché-ish. But I love toying with this idea. Snow, coffee shop, books, love and a crime to solve. The perfect novel.

Reading Novels and Learning About Law Stuff


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Reading novels is not only for entertainment or relaxation but it can also be an educational experience. There are so many things that one can learn while reading romance, thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy or any other genres. Lessons in life, science, law, love, lust and mathematics are among the things one can learn while leisurely reading.

I learned many things about the law and judiciary system from John Grisham’s novels. My favorites among his novels are The Firm, The Client, The Pelican Brief and The Rainmaker. Most of the protagonists in these novels are underdogs and most of the society thinks they won’t succeed in their endeavors. Through street smarts, luck and love, they were able to overcome challenges posed by big players.

Here I learned about insurance fraud, Felony Assault, cover-ups by the “big people”, and environmental protection issues. There was a time when I thought of becoming a lawyer like those in the novels but the dream died. But I still love to read his novels and discover new things.
The latest John Grisham novel I read was Playing for Pizza. It was not about law and the game was played in a different court but it showed me the beauty and hidden places of Italy. I was transported there by his vivid imagery and brilliant storytelling.

Her First Real Earrings


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Three months ago, we pierced Samantha's ears for her earrings in Poh Kong in Subang Parade. She cried a little and after that she said she's a new girl. Her grandparents bought her a pair of gold loop earrings with star hanging in the middle on each hoop. It's sort of like that on the image below. The only difference is that the stars are made of gold, too.In one of the Indian cultures that I learned, jewelry, especially made of gold or silver, keeps an integral part in their culture. The first ever gift they would give to a newborn would be a gold chain. The first gift they would give to the bride is the gold chain. And if the child uses first jewelry, there should be a ceremony that goes with it. It's the same thing we did for Samantha. When we pierced her ears for her earrings, we did have a bit of celebration.

These precious metals for them is also considered an investment. You rarely see an Indian not having a gold or silver jewelry. It is a part of their culture. It is a part of them. Gold investment has been practiced for ages. You buy gold bullion and it's sort of preserving your wealth and purchasing power. You can actually purchase these precious metals from America's top dealer, the United States Gold Bureau.

Princess and Ben 10 Cake


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We celebrated the kids' birthdays in one party. I didn't want to have two cakes. It would be too much for us. Then I was blog searching for ideas of a birthday cake for two persons celebrating and stumbled upon a Barbie princess cake with Ben 10 incorporated into one cake. And so I asked my friend if she could do something like. Not exactly like the one I saw but just the concept... she said she could do it... and I asked to make it fondant, pls. And so I was happy with the result:

What can I say? Thank you Grace for taking the challenge and making the cake for my kids. They're so happy when they saw the cake, Samantha being in love with a princess and Schenker being in love with Ben 10.

Shopping Time!


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Today, the husband and I are going grocery shopping for our party on Saturday. We're going to send the kids off to the school first then we set out. I guess this is going to be our first time shopping together without the kids. They always go with us.

I like shopping with the kids. They don't fuss so much. They do enjoy shopping for our groceries too.

But today, we also plan to shop for clothes for the hubs. We might buy one of those shirts or sweaters and a pair of pants. It's been a long time since we didn't go clothes shopping for him.

Anyways, I hope the children don't mind as we're leaving them the whole days in school. I thank God that the school has a day care services to offer parents if they want to leave the kids in the school the whole day.

Officially Zero and on the Red


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I am now officially broke zero and in a bit of debt. I have made some flight bookings for next year and made some purchases over the weekend. My paypal now has zero balance... so is my debit bank account. I am owing my credit card some 300 bucks (that's in US$).

Thank God assignments keep coming. They are blessings indeed. When I get my pay this weekend, I'm sure it will go straight to my credit card... then I need some more moolah to pay for my credit.

I know I have turned a bit too much budget wise. But I am hoping I could catch up even before we hit the holiday season. I don't like to be in the red. And I know I am very careful in financial department but couldn't help it this time. I just couldn't resist spending for my family. I know I am happy about it. I hope to get more assignments to balance off my budget. Hope to be in the white black for Christmas.

Self Declared School Vacation


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Our kids' school's vacation will not start until the end of the month, which is on November 30. But since the kids' concert and exams were over, we declare this week as a start of the school vacation. The next school year starts in January.

Usually, students will have 2 months for a school vacation but since there are many holidays in Malaysia, the school wanted to make up the time and extend their classes. I guess it does make sense as parents are paying for it and yet, the school days were cut down a lot due to the days they missed because of the holidays.

And so, what do we do for our kids' school vacation? We have set up our own "camp site" in front of our house for the kids to go and play at in the afternoons. I wish though that we could really go for real camping on an rv with rv accessories. I guess that would really be cool. But since I don't know whether there's such a place intended for camping only here in Malaysia, we will just content ourselves in camping outside our house.

I guess for kids, it doesn't really matter where you do things as long as they're having fun, they're okay with it.



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Just finished watching Killers movie which starred starring Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher. Katherine (as Jen in the movie) just broke up with her boyfriend and went to Nice, France with her parents and there she met Spencer (Ashton Kutcher) who was a hired assassin but decided to leave the job. He tried telling Jen what his job was but Jen has already passed out and didn't hear anything he said.

Apparently, Spencer left his job and married Jen, then 3 years later, was the target of the assassination. The story revolved around this with Spencer being chased by the killers.

To make a long story short, Jen found out what his previous job was. She was affected at first, with him not telling the truth. But love prevailed.

I guess the moral of the story is that in every relationship, it should start with honesty.

London is Cheap!


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I was surprised to see airfare to London was on promotion again, via Air Asia. I simply checked the website. I thought there was no more offer after that Zero seat sale promotion. I was so excited I called the hubby to check. He got all excited too. We found the dates that would cost RM1,500+ per pax, return fare.

And so my mind started to wander and fantasize about going to UK again. This time last year, we went to the UK. Gosh, I truly missed it there. We didn't go to the countryside because we wanted to tour around London first. And so, I was thinking that we really have to make another trip there to see the countryside.

We know of a friend who's currently living in Oxford and he told us that whenever we make another trip there, we could stay at his place. Well, we could stay at Holiday Cottages Devon, too if we like. And so for that span of moment, my mind has gone too far, imagining myself and the hubby walking through the flower fields, staying at a beautiful English cottage, visiting Stonehenge, and taking lots and lots of photos.

Then my mind darted back to reality when I remembered I just booked for parents trip here in Malaysia at the same travel period. They're going to be here for two months so it would be hard to make a trip to UK while my parents are still here.

So yeah, we let the promo go.

I am sure there will be more promo airfare to London in the future. I just need to keep checking their website.

Eat. Pray. Love


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A married woman realizes how unhappy her marriage really is, and that her life needs to go in a different direction. After a painful divorce, she takes off on a round-the-world journey to "find herself".

That's Eat. Pray. Love.

I watched it with the hubs the other night. We were very interested with the movie because of two things: Julia Roberts and places (Italy, Cambodia, Bali and India). The story line? I guess it's loved by those who were lost and are still lost.

Sorry... I don't want to offend anyone who loved it. I heard so much about the movie that's why I was very keen to watch. But the story is just an ordinary Hollywood type of movie.

Eyeglasses or Contacts?


posted by Jan


Do you have problem with your eyesight? I have read from a research before (sorry I forgot from where - it's been ages ago already) that most Chinese have problem with their eyesight, even from young. Most of them have lazy eyes. Because of this, you'd see a lot of Chinese children wearing eyeglasses at such a young age. It's not even because of watching too much television or reading in the dark. They're just born with lazy eyes.

Because of this, they need to have prescription eye glasses to aid them so they can see properly and use their eyes effectively. Can children use contact lenses? I don't think so. Their eyes are also growing as they grow up. So if they use contact lenses, they have to change everytime. And also, wearing contacts can be very inconvenient, especially in the maintenance department. So it is not advisable for kids to use lenses.

For grown ups on the other hand, they can have a choice. They can either use contact lenses or eyeglasses. Some prefer contact lenses to avoid the inconvenience of having something hanging from their ears to their eyes. Some prefer the traditional way of using eyeglasses. Some would even prefer the latter for fashion purposes. And speaking of which, ZenniOptical has announced from their site that the prices came down from from $8 to $6.95 for a cool try-on feature, Zennie frame fit! Same great quality and now lower price!

Photography Bluff


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I have posted this on my other blog when we were so in a hurry to get to my kids activities when I forgot to put the memory card for my camera.

Good thing it's not really a major event we were going to.

The result was not that major too.

Anyways, this is another lesson that everytime we leave the house, we should check everything.

Shopping Galore


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I am not a person that likes to shop for myself. I love shopping for others, especially for my family. Yesterday, we went shopping for my girl's shoes. I bought two pairs for her because one pair would cost something like RM35 but if I bought 2, it would cost RM50 only. This girl truly have a good taste. She chose the candy pink sandals which she said she wanted to wear for her birthday party and a pretty pair of platform sandals.

The husband on the other hand, encouraged me to buy something for myself. At least get one of those evening dresses that I could use where we're invited for functions and dinners. I looked around for it, but sad to say, i couldn't find any that suited me. I'm into simple dresses only. And because I couldn't find a dress, I bought a pair of sandals and a handbag. :D

Fiber Lash Extender


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I was on my way to the counter to pay for my hand bags purchase when a lady from the cosmetics department came and asked me if I wanted to try the eye lash lengthening product. I told her straight to her face that yes, I wanted to try but no, I am not buying for now coz I don't have budget for it.

It was a mistake. I let her try on me and I instantly fell in love with the way it enhanced my eye lashes. With the husband and kids saying: woaahhh... mommy, you look so beautiful, I gave in.

It's the first ever lash extender made of fiber, a product from Korea by Mircoz. She had other products like acne cream, lipstick, etc... but I was intrigued with the eye lash extender the most... having a little to no eyelashes at all. LOL.

Anyways, my so0n-to-be-4-year-old girl asked her father whether she could have it too when she grew up. The father replied no, she didn't need that. She already have beautiful  and longer lashes, to which she replied: You mean mommy's one is not beautiful?



My 2nd Carlo Rino


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Wow. I couldn't believe that the hand bag I was drooling about for a couple of months now was on sale. I couldn't bring myself to buy it last time because no matter how much I loved it, I'd still not prefer to spend money on hand bags just like that. I was actually drooling on three things then: a Carlo Rino hand bag, one of those Womens Hats that you could wear for garden themed parties, a pair of nice gold colored stilettos.

And so yesterday, my hopes soared high when I saw the hand bag I was crushing on was on 50% discount. Imagine that, from 259RM, now I could get it for RM129.50. It's so cool to wait. I thank God that I waited. It saved me money at the end of the day.

Indeed, patience is virtue.

Allergic to Dust


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My husband is super allergic to dust. I know when I need to start dusting off our house when he starts sneezing. Hahaha. Technically, I should do the dusting everyday. But I don't like routine jobs. I dust when necessary. It's so easy to get dust in our house because I like to keep my door and windows open to get some fresh air from outside. The park outside our house has lots of trees so we can get fresh air from there. I only close everything at night when we sleep. I turn on the air con for kids. We'll probably get one like the basement dehumidifier so it doesn't get so humid and to keep the air fresh and clean inside the house. We'll see. For now, I am enjoying listening to the rushing of leaves to the gust of wind. It's kind of windy day today. So I am basking on it. Dust the house again when the hubs start to sneeze. Hehe!

Me Day


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Today's the last day we're sending the kids to school. The boy just finished his exams yesterday. Their school doesn't end til November 30 though but we thought... what for... they already had graduation ceremony/concert, they already finished the exams... it's time to party! Right?

Anyways, it's a me day today. The hubs picked the kids up from school and took them to his office straight away. It may not be one of those Outer Banks vacation rentals for me but I am appreciating my me day. Besides I have lots of work to finish and I want to finish them fast so I can do more things.

I am thankful that my husband is thoughtful enough to give me this me day.

Dozed Off


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Last night I wanted to finish my online work. But my eyes got droopy and I couldn't hold them up any longer, I dozed off... right here, on my couch. I didn't even make it upstairs. Has my age caught up? It's a good thing that our not so modern furniture was very comfortable to sleep on. I probably slept in til morning because of the comfort it offered. LOL. It's a sad thing that I didn't finish my work last night. So I am making sure that today, I'll finish everything. Maybe a cup or two of that Vietnamese coffee my friend gave me would suffice to keep me awake. I hope.

Ice Cream Party with friends


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We have regular meet ups with Schenker's classmate (which happened to be our neighbor too) in the afternoons. They either meet at the park, in our house, or in his classmate's house. The other day, we set up this camp place in front of our house. So when the kids' friends came, we had ice cream party for them there... That would include for me also. hahaha. There went the diet. One can easily forget when there's delectable thing seducing you to gobble them down. And now, one needs to find safe diet pills that work to ease out the guilt. Hahaha.

Anyways, the kids had fun and they wanna do it over and over again. But I heard Schenker talking to his friend's father. He apparently told him he liked to eat roti canai (kinf of bread in Malay), so the uncle said maybe one day, they can have roti canai party too.

Planning for a Holiday Trip


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Yes, we are on the planning stage for our holiday trip in December. It's still one month away but it would be good to always plan in advance, especially when it's a family holiday you're making. There are a few things to consider: rental car, a place to stay, photo holiday cards, getting there, friends to meet (and hope that we will not spend our holiday meeting friends), books to carry, what camera gear to bring and some other stuff. Wow. It does sound overwhelming. I guess for now, it would naturally sound like that. I am sure it's going to be easy peasy when the time comes.

Getting Sleepy


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What is it with Japanese food? Everytime I eat sushi, I'd feel very drowsy and wanna go to sleep. I have noticed this a few times after eating sushis. Otherwise, it would be too hard for me to sleep, even after midnight that sometimes I'd wonder if I really need a sleep aid so I can sleep better and more easily.

Today, I felt very sleepy right after we had some Japanese food for lunch. But we had to take out the kids because we promised we would take them out when Schenker finishes his exams. While they were playing at the play pen in Subang Parade I saw there were Japanese stuff displayed outside the grocer. I quickly checked it out. Then I found some things to help you make sushi. While I was talking to the sales lady, I found out that to cook the sticky rice, you need to add a tablespoon or two to the cooking rice to make it more sticky. One ingredient in the vinegar was rice wine. That explained the drowsiness I feel right after I eat sushi. :D

Tenji Japanese Buffet


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Tenji Japanese Buffet just opened another branch outlet in Bandar Puteri, Puchong. It was only a pre-opening event so you have to make reservations before going. We didn't know all these. We thought it was their opening day. But it was sort of a test-drive only.

Our friend S told us about the buffet and she said she was going too. So we talked of meeting up there.

And so what happened was, we went there without making reservations (as I have said earlier). We queued up and when it got to us, we were turned down as it was already full. We were going out and on the way to the car already when our friend called us. Good thing, they booked for 10 people. And the 3 didn't show up. So she invited us to join them at their table. We went inside the restaurant. I was expecting the a pergo accolade but looked like they're not done with finishing up the interior yet.

Gosh. I satiated my cravings for raw oysters. I had 10 of them! Raw oysters taste great with tabasco sauce and lemon squeeze on top. I had lots of different kinds of sushis. There were a lot of food served. But I couldn't taste everything as I was going for sushis and raw white salmon that tasted oh so creamy, raw red salmon, and more sushis. Slurp.

They served different kinds of Japanese noodles and tempuras (which my kids would love if they were there)... and fresh fruit juices too. There were many types of cakes (cheesecake durian included) and Haagen Dazs for the ice cream. It was my second time eating wasabi ice cream and I think I am loving it already.

The restaurant was huge too. I was told that there were 6 shop lots equivalent for that kind of space.

We paid RM38+ per person. Like I said it was just a test-drive kind of buffet. The regular price for lunch would be RM55+ and dinner would be RM66+.

Thank God for a friend for letting us know this.

I truly enjoyed my Japanese Buffet experience.



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When we sent out the party invites for the kids' party, we want the invitees to RSVP by today, November 10. Today, we had a few phone calls for our Schenker because they want to RSVP for the party! It's so cool that my kids are getting phone calls for RSVP's. It just warms this mother's heart.

And so now, we have finalized our guest list. It's not that many. We just want our kids' closest friends to come and join the party.

Decos set.

Guest list set.

Birthday cakes and cupcakes ordered.

Now it's just to do groceries for the food. But that can wait a day before the party. :D

Just Booked!


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I have posted earlier about Air Asia's free seats promo fare. Flight from Clark, Philippines was not included in the 0 fare category but it's included in the promo, 790 Philippine peso per person. The total return fare (that would include a 15-kg baggage fee and inflight meal of chicken rice with coffee/tea) was PhP3,379. It's so cheap. Since I have been planning for my parents to come here next year, it's just awesome that Air Asia has sale this early. Imagine flying to an out of the country destination and pay less than 100$ for a return fare. That really is awesome. I thank God that we are able to avail this flight.

I am planning on taking them for holiday parks, a day Genting Highlands trip, a 3-day Cameron Highlands vacation and even take them shopping in Hatyai, Thailand and maybe... just maybe, a window shopping trip in Singapore. I am excited for my parents to come here once again. I have brought them here many times already. I really love to show them my world. I guess bringing them to where I am now is just one of those things to show them my gratitude. It's going to be a break for them, too. A break from their ordinary daily routine of just being alone at home without their kids. Wow. I can't wait for next year.

Free Seats


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Air Asia is now back to their big deal of offering free seats. I have checked the website because they said it's going to start on November 9 and ends on November 14. I am planning on going back to the Philippines next year, but I am not going to take Air Asia.

But I did check for my parents' and sister's airfare. The travel period is from July 2011 to November 2011. It is so far ahead to plan but the fare is so cheap, might as well do it.

But of course, I still have to make that call to ask them if they want to come here next year.

Am gonna call now.

Be back later.

End of the Year Breakaway


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We just purchased our flight tickets for our December getaway with my family. We are going to an island somewhere in the north. I am really excited for this one as this is going to be my girl's first time to go to that place. My boy has been there many times already.

Actually, we are going for work first. We are going to visit the community project we've been doing since after the 2006 tsunami. After that, we're going to visit the island nearby.

It is always nice to take time off for a family city break. We always say that we work hard to give our family the best. Taking time off from work is giving one of our bests to our family. This is not compromise with. Rather, it is a must that every family should do. Life indeed is short and God gives us life to enjoy. One way to enjoy our God-given life is to give ourselves the rest we deserve. God Himself rested after 6 days of work. If He did, I guess so must we.

And so, yes... we are now on the planning stage on what we do during our breakaway. I am hoping to get a free car to use again. I'll probably just reconnect with my old contacts so we can borrow a car. It would be nice to drive around the island with the kids and go to the city to buy some souvenirs and for a bit of shopping.



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I believe that homework is the foundation to bring home the work. I mean, admit it, when our spouses bring home the work, we get very frustrated. We want our family to just hang around each other, ask how our days were, or just simply talk, taking time to be together and be with each other at the end of our hard day's work. But what do we get nowadays? Instead of spending time with our kids at home, we do our office work.

But isn't it in our culture already? And we are taught from very young. We bring our homework from school - for discipline so we can learn to study on our own. For what... so we can be disciplined of getting the work done in our house instead of in the office?

Sigh. Just a dilemma of a mom who still is surprised that her son, who is still in kindergarten is already "disciplined" to do the work at home by bringing homework.

Cleaning Lady


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Today, instead of going to the office for cleaning, the cleaning lady came to our house to do house cleaning instead. So now, we do have cleaning lady for free a couple of times in a month! That is so cool, indeed.

I let her do just a little bit of cleaning though. I still do some like washing our curtains and sheets. And speaking of curtains, I guess, it's time to put back our blinds in. I miss having blinds for our glass wall and windows now. It would be cool to have roller blinds in our living room too. Okay... we do use wooden roller blind for my kitchen window. And it is indeed easier to maintain it.

With cloth curtains, I have to take them off one by one each time to wash. And no, I don't hand wash them. I put them in washing machine. I also don't use dryer for them. I know putting it in washing machine to wash is already too much. So what I do is to put them straight away on the curtain rails and let them dry naturally. I got this tip from my sister. You get to save on two things: time and energy.

Having said all this, having blinds is still the most convenient. I don't need a cleaning lady to maintain it. I can do the cleaning myself.

Back to Party Planning


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We just got back from the party shop at Taipan. I bought some things for the decorations. We are going to have this party at the club where we usually go for swimming. I don't think it's necessary to really decorate the place as it is already beautiful on its own... but I just want to touch up a bit of decos here and there for effect.

The kids are excited too.

Blogger Web Hosting


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I have been using the Blogger's Web Hosting for a few years now. So far, I have nothing to complain against it. When I just started, I didn't know anything about domains, webhosting, self web hosting, and stuff like those. But of course, since I am into blogging business, I have come to learn all these things from reading other people's blogs, web hosting reviews, etc.

Now, more and more blogging business companies are requiring blogs to be self hosted. There are a lot of webhost site available in the market nowadays, catering to the needs of the bloggers and website administrators and website owners. There is indeed free domain name web host that's offered in some of the webhosting sites upon purchase. At, They offer the easiest way to get your blog hosted in a self hosted site.

For bloggers who are serious in their blogging business, we are indeed serious in making our blogs suited for the business. And of course, we want to do it the easier and the more convenient way. That's why it is worth checking out which webhosting company has the easiest and most convenient way of doing it for us. We want them to be available when we need them!

Party Planning


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I am excited. I am, once again, planning for a party for my kids' birthday. This time, it's bigger than all our other parties because we are joining their parties together. Their birth dates are one month exactly apart, so we are going to hold the party in between the dates.

I am now finalizing my guest list...

Will let you know of the updates later.

We Are Not Moving


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I have posted about moving in to our apartment and it's confirmed. But recently, my husband and I discussed our move further. It looks like we're not moving out from this house after all. We were planning on moving out before the year ends. But it looks like we will be very busy next month for our family trip, Christmas celebration, not to mention our preparation for our boy who is starting his elementary/primary year at the beginning of the year, in January, next year.

So now, we'll just make use of this old house with a rustic bedroom furniture. The wooden bedroom floor may need changing but I am sure we can take care of that. The dripping (when it rains) in our room has finally stopped. The owner of the house sent us somebody who fixed our roof.

Anyways, staying back will benefit everybody as our tenants got worried when we told them they would have to move out of our apartment. Now, both parties, the owner of this house and our tenants are happy that we have decided to stay in this house.

Sakae Sushi


posted by Jan

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My husband and I went window shopping today. We actually planned to watch movie while our kids were in school but decided against it so we just walked around Sunway Pyramid and had lunch at Sakae Sushi, a Japanese restaurant. I really love the food there. We came in a bit early the food served were really fresh. I love the soft shell crab. That's the first thing that comes to mind everytime I enter a Japanese restaurant.

We have been eating Japanese food of late. I dun know why I had such strong cravings for sushi since a couple of months ago when my brother-in-law took us to a Japanese restaurant somewhere in Klang.

Well... why not, with the health benefits the Japanese food has to offer, who can resist it?

Found It!


posted by Jan

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I am just happy that I was able to research some things for my assignment. Last time, I let it go because I got so confused with the requirements and it seemed that it was only an option to do so. But when I let it go, I guess it was such a bad idea. Now that the assignment was given back to me, I made sure I googled about it. Finally!

It's like breathing a sigh of total relief. You know, when you know you achieve something, it's like a total burden lifted off. I guess that's how you feel too after you experience oxycontin detox but then again, who would know until you experience it yourself?

Well, I am just happy. And I can now turn my laptop off with a winning grin on my face.

Good night... errr... good morning everyone! I guess it's worth every effort I did tonight.

Wedding Photos


posted by Jan

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I have some friends who have posted their wedding photos on facebook. Not that all of them took photos digitally. Some of my friends got married before the digital age. And like them, I got married without digital photos. Oh wait. I had a few friends who had digital cameras but we didn't have. So everything we photographed was printed.

But I'm thinking... what's the use of scanners with scanning softwares if we don't scan our photos? I guess that would be a great idea to preserve our photos from hard copies to digital copies.

I guess I will have to scan our wedding photos soon.

I'm gonna have to post some of it here, on my blog. :D