

posted by Jan

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I believe that homework is the foundation to bring home the work. I mean, admit it, when our spouses bring home the work, we get very frustrated. We want our family to just hang around each other, ask how our days were, or just simply talk, taking time to be together and be with each other at the end of our hard day's work. But what do we get nowadays? Instead of spending time with our kids at home, we do our office work.

But isn't it in our culture already? And we are taught from very young. We bring our homework from school - for discipline so we can learn to study on our own. For what... so we can be disciplined of getting the work done in our house instead of in the office?

Sigh. Just a dilemma of a mom who still is surprised that her son, who is still in kindergarten is already "disciplined" to do the work at home by bringing homework.