Fiber Lash Extender


posted by Jan

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I was on my way to the counter to pay for my hand bags purchase when a lady from the cosmetics department came and asked me if I wanted to try the eye lash lengthening product. I told her straight to her face that yes, I wanted to try but no, I am not buying for now coz I don't have budget for it.

It was a mistake. I let her try on me and I instantly fell in love with the way it enhanced my eye lashes. With the husband and kids saying: woaahhh... mommy, you look so beautiful, I gave in.

It's the first ever lash extender made of fiber, a product from Korea by Mircoz. She had other products like acne cream, lipstick, etc... but I was intrigued with the eye lash extender the most... having a little to no eyelashes at all. LOL.

Anyways, my so0n-to-be-4-year-old girl asked her father whether she could have it too when she grew up. The father replied no, she didn't need that. She already have beautiful  and longer lashes, to which she replied: You mean mommy's one is not beautiful?

