My Wedding Ring


posted by Jan

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My wedding ring is exactly like the one above. My husband's is the bigger version of it. It's a yellow gold band with 0.02 carat diamond on the center. During the time when we were shopping for our wedding, the economic really went down due to the SARS disease that spread from Singapore. I think the value of gold has also gone down then. We got quite a good deal on the ring, at 30% discount.

When my boyfriend-then-husband-now and I saw the design, both of us fell in love with it... on the first sight. We didn't have enough money to straight away buy the ring (oh well, we didn't have enough budget for our wedding as a whole anyway), so we just reserved it. It only cost us 200RM to book those wedding rings.

And when we visited my in laws, we were talking about it. My brother-in-law offered to buy it for us, as a wedding present. We were so amazed at his generosity. And of course, it was by faith that we booked the ring, even without the budget. God provided through a family member. I could fully remember how I wanted to cry when my brother-in-law said he was going to pay for it... and then took out cash for us to buy the rings straight away.

It was just one those stories of God's faithfulness when we were just planning and preparing for our wedding.

I had a choice between white and yellow gold. But I chose the yellow. It looked better on me. And so all my jewelry now are of yellow gold and not white gold. And so when the husband wants to buy gold jewelry for me, it definitely is going to be yellow gold.

I believe in the investment of gold. For some rich people, they invest in gold to preserve their wealth and maintain their purchasing power.