The Real Twelve (12) Days of Christmas and Advent

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So.. when does the season of Advent begin?

The season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and for nearly a month Christians await the coming of Christ in a spirit of expectation, singing hymns of longing. Then, on December 25, Christmas Day itself ushers in twelve days of celebration, ending only on January 6 with the feast of the Epiphany. Exhortations to follow this calendar rather than the secular one have become routine at this time of year. But often the focus falls on giving Advent its due, with the Twelve Days of Christmas relegated to the words of a cryptic traditional carol. Most people are simply too tired after Christmas Day to do much celebrating.

So on the 25th Day of December starts the first day of Christmas. Not on the 1st of December. I got a bit confused with the dates as to when and how last year. Putting up the advent calendar on the 1st day of December was right after all. So 4 days more to go and our Advent Calendar and Christmas tree will be up.