Make Your House a Home

posted by Jan on

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Anybody can have a house: a big house, small house, beautiful house, not so nice house, etc. But not everybody can make a house a home. Have you ever gone to a house and never felt comfortable? Or have you ever lived in a house where you don't feel comfortable? There are such houses. It's a shame but it is a fact.

One challenge of having a house is to make it a home. There are many ways to make a house a home. It doesn't need to be expensive. One way is to make sure it is clean. Ugh. Guilty. Another way is to create a happy atmosphere. You can have a palace full of expensive stuff and yet you feel like walking on egg shells. You can have the smallest house and yet can call it a home.

Some people do invest in a house and make it cozy. They have a very good light fixtures, comfortable wooden furniture, Kohler fixtures, you name it... Just to make their house a home.

This I'm sure. If God is the center and is the head of your house... you will definitely have a home.