Archive for March 2013

Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

posted by purethoughts

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Now that our boy has shown so much interest in music (he has just joined a kids' band in church), our family wants to watch musical plays or if possible, watch one of Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra's shows. It is a good exposure for the kids-- like they would get to see other musical instruments that are not commonly seen in bands.

 Church bands usually have strings and percussion, but wind instruments like a good buffet clarinet are not so commonly used. Personally, I find wind instruments to be interesting.  It gives music that relaxing, calming and soothing effect.

 I hope that after mastering guitar, Schenker would be able to learn at least one wind instrument. But of course I don't want to push it too hard on him-- for now, his guitar is his first love.

Kids These Days

posted by Anonymous

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I've been introduced to 9gag 2 years ago and have been enjoying the site since. Every time I have internet I access the site, right after I log in to facebook. There have been a lot of posts about 90s kids and about kids nowadays having no idea of the gadgets or the way we lived before. It's true, a decade ago there would have been no wifi everywhere but the development for the past decade has been rapidly rising. Two weeks ago, I went to a birthday party of a friend and a 7-year old kid asked me if I have an iPhone and I said no, then he showed me his iPhone 4s. Needless to say, I was shocked and stared at him open-mouthed. Maybe one day I'll hear my son say, "look toyota oem parts!". Below, is a picture of reality that I got from 9gag.

Musically Gifted Kids

posted by purethoughts

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I posted a video of three girls singing "Oppa Gangnam Style" on my facebook one time. I am not really a fan of the song and the artist, but I have to say that those girls did a brilliant version of the song! So much better than the original, in fact.

 I saw that the video has been shared at least 40,000 times! I'm wowed. And they just sang that in their house with their kitchen on the background. I believe those girls will make it big-- and when they do, I am sure they would look back and marvel at their humble beginning. A friend shared to me another link of them singing, this time a Christian song and one of the girls playing the guitar. She was not playing one of those versatile Takamine Guitars-- she just had the ordinary one but she sounded good.

I have become such a fan of those girls.  Honestly,  I won't be surprised if I'd see them on TV one of these days!

Enjoying Church

posted by purethoughts

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One of the things that we love about going to church as a family is that we love the praise and worship or the singing time. Although we are not part of the worship band, we enjoy it just the same. Sure, we love the preaching part as well but the singing is always refreshing.

 When I was a lot younger I have always wanted to be a part of the worship band-- and who did not? Those band members and the choir always looked so cool with their esp guitars!  But  I guess I was  not really called to be in the worship band, but I am happy with just doing my part in church.

 I wish that my kids would be a part of the band when they grow up though... but then again, it's really all up to them. I would just be happy seeing them serve the Lord-- in a worship band or not.

The Fairy's Visit

posted by janet

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I have been seeing blogs that have been visited by the Fairy Hobmother and been wishing that somehow, this fairy would visit my blog, too. Just recently, I got a surprise and realized the fairy did! He finally visited me!

I am so glad to be a part of those blogges who have been given love and happiness by the sprinkles of love from the Fairy Hobmother. And if you ask me what I would wish to have, I would so love to have one Hotpoint BHWD129 Washer Dryer Built In White. It would be great to have one, especially in this rainy season in a tropical country. Right now, I do have two equipment to do my laundry. One is to wash and spin, the other one is to dry the clothes. If I do have a washer dryer, I can do both on one go. Not only it saves my energy and time, it saves electricity, too. Thanks Fairy Hobmother for the lovely visit!