Finally, A Good Night Sleep

posted by Jan

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I know. I'm still dazed. Amazed. Blown Away. LOL. But I finally got my good night's sleep last night. Yesterday afternoon, when my body clock said it's time for bed, I refused to take a nap. I was groggy the whole afternoon. But I tried staying up. We had an early dinner and had fishball soup and eggplant grilled and then fried with egg. Since the daddy had a speaking engagement last night, we didn't wait up for him. At 8 pm, i was already in deep sleep while the kids were still playing and waiting for daddy to come home. I think I woke up a little when he came home... but that's all about it. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning! Really thank God I finally got my whole night's sleep. You know when you don't have enough sleep it can get your skin dry and aged. Having enough sleep means no need to use wrinkle cream early on.

I hope tonight will be the same. It's really good to be back to my normal routine. And of course, it's great to be with my darlings again. Did I say that already?