Busy, Busy

posted by Jan on

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Like I said in my previous post, we've been busy this year hosting friends in our house. All of us love having friends come and stay with us. The kids get to go to places they miss going... like Sunway Club. It has been two weeks in a row that we've been going there. And since it's near, we've been going to Sunway Pyramid too. Last night, after attending the Thanksgiving service in church, we went to Sunway Pyramid. We came home late... and guess what... I was too tired to wash my face. Ugh. I know that if you don't wash your face at night, especially when wearing make up, can cause blackheads and early ageing. I know that there are home remedies for blackheads but still, it's good to prevent than to cure, right. But in my case, when I miss washing my face before sleeping at night, I would have whiteheads instead. :(