Instant and Express

posted by Jan

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Almost everything can be done in a flash right now. Our foods for example can be cooked instantly or if we’re too lazy to cook, we just dine out or order from fast food chains. Paying our bills can also be done instantly via online payment options and even relationships have not escaped the “instant” or “express” mode. Some people find their dates online instantly, some guys send flower quick to impress a girl instantly. While others go on speed dating.

With everything going on express and instant nowadays, the personal touch gets lost in between. For me, it still feels better to be slow and sure, with no regrets in the end.

But of course, sometimes, you just need to do that. Especially now that Father's day is approaching, 3 days to be exact, you can send flowers quick. That's a sureway to show how grateful you are to your father, with no regrets.