Still a Bookworm

posted by purethoughts

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It's sad that many young people these days are not that fond of books anymore. I guess we could not blame them-- everything they need to know is already available online, so what's the use of flipping through pages of a book when there's google?

 I could be a techie, but I still consider myself a bookworm. There is something about books that bring joy to my heart-- flipping through every page and finishing a book is just one awesome experience I could do over and over again. I remember how I would save up for books when I was in the university. Back then, photocopiers were not yet that popular so we should either buy books or borrow  from the library. I wish there we had books from, but we didn't.

 I could honestly say that I was a hardworking student and my hard work paid off--  that and my being a bookworm helped me so much to be who I am now.