10 Ways to be a Better Blogger


posted by Jan on ,


One of my goals for 2011 would be to be a better blogger. I felt that I have neglected my blogs for the past couple of years. And I want to build them up now, for the better. And so what are the ways to become a better blogger?

  • Read more. The more you read the more you know more things. The more you know thins, the more vocabularies you will have in your vocabulary bank. And it would show in your writings as well.
  • Try to write in inverted pyramid style. I have read somewhere... I am really sorry but after all the many links I have read, I forgot which link it was I read... that in order to write better, you should learn how to write the inverted pyramid way. I saw the sample and I kinda realized that that's how I write. It pleased me that all along my style is in one of the rules in writing. You may google how you can do it.
  • Be precise. Consider brevity. Beating around the bush in your writing can bore your readers. So be direct to the point. Too short a post won't help either. Too long will bore your readers, unless you have something that would interest your readers.
  • If possible, post one or two photos to illustrate your writing. Photos do attract attention. Sometimes, I go and check my friends' blogs because of the photos they write... but errr... I am guilty of not reading the whole article, especially when it's too long. But then again, if your target is to have better traffic, photos work well.
  • Go out. Take a break. Sometimes, you get inspiration on what to write when you're out there in the real world.
  • Try to stick to your niche. I know that paid blogging can take you off course sometimes, but hey, there are second chances. You can post new one and make it stick to your blog's niche.
  • Try not to be negative. I stay away from blogs that's filled with complains. They complain on just about anything. Positive posts inspire me and make me smile. And I'm sure to go back to your blog when it inspires me.
  • Don't preach. You sound preachy, I stay away from you. I want something uplifting and encouraging.
  • Spell check and grammar check. I am always guilty of this. I will try to check my spelling and try to correct my grammar early on.
  • Best of all, enjoy blogging. You can always tell when a blogger enjoys writing.
And so, I have written this for myself too. I am not a perfect blogger. But like I said, I want to be a better one. Listing down on what to do to be a better blogger would help me a lot in this journey.

Oh... I don't mind you bragging about your blessings. It cheers me up and inspires me, too.

What about you? Do you have more tips to share on how to be a better blogger? I would love to learn more. You can post it on your blog and let me know so we can link each other's posts. Together we learn.

Together, we aim to be and become...

A better blogger.