Nando's, Again


posted by Jan

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I really can't get enough of Nando's.

Two days ago, I and my friend went to 1 Utama for our planned girls' day out. It was a bit of a bummer but I guess everything worked out for good.

"Everything works together for good to them that love the Lord," remember? And so we enjoyed our day just checking out some clothes, accessories and shoes.

And the food? Nando's. Again.

I liked it lemon and herb better. It means I'm not brave enough.

My friend ordered extra hot.

Quarter chicken meal always comes with two sidelines that you could choose... I always choose fresco salad... two of those. I really think it's a healthy meal and the taste is so.... divine. LOL.

Unlike some other food outhere, especially the fast food ones. I rarely go to a fast food restaurant nowadays, unless we're in a hurry and the kids wanna play in the play pen, then we go to a fast food restaurant. Usually, in Malaysia, fast food restaurants have play pen. They do know the mean of marketing strategy, don't they? But of course, if you're a health buff, you would try to avoid those places as much as you can. Otherwise, you need to know some of the stuff from here: Yeah! When we're not sure if what we're putting in our mouths are healthy, we need to flush them off our system.

It's good to always be conscious of what we eat.

They say, we are what we eat.
