Bloggy Earnings


posted by Jan on

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Do you post your bloggy earnings online?

That has been the latest discussion in the forum group I am part of. In that group, I guess 99 percent are doing paid blogging. So it's natural that this kind of topic would come out and discussed openly.

And so... from what I gathered, some of them do post their earnings online for the purpose of encouraging other bloggers in their pursuit to earning from their blogs. Some said they are too shy to do that as they have too little income coming in.

Some people think that when you post your bloggy earnings, you are bragging on what you have.

Me? I get inspired when I see co-bloggers earning.

It motivates me to work hard also.

And so, I guess I could do a monthly evaluation of how much I earn online whether by paypal or by company checks. It doesn't really matter as either is an income.

I do annual evaluation though...

And guess what. I have earned almost a double portion from what I have earned in 2009.

2010 was a blessed year for me and I thank God for the opportunity to write and earn at the same time.

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