Girls' Day Out


posted by Jan

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My husband goes on a boys' night out once a year with his college friends. Yes, they finished college for a long time already but until now, they're still keeping in touch, even for just once or twice a year.

And so on December 30, they decided to meet up for seafood. I, on the hand, thought if guys can have boys' night out, I could go on a girls' day out too.

And so I invited my friend to go out with me. We planned to watch movie and window shop. And so, we did. We watched a movie and window shopped. No, it's a lie. We actually shopped. LOL. We were in a departmental store in Sunway Pyramid and when we were checking out, we noticed that the customer service lady was looking really tired. I know customer service jobs are very tiring, especially come at the end of the day. But it says in front of her counter "a service with a smile," Both my friend and I looked at each other and said: The irony of it all. And so, I said, nowadays, customers must understand that sales ladies and customer service people can get very grumpy too. Lol. Yes, it's really ironic. Malaysia has this kind of service, even though in front of them, there's a sign that says: service with a smile.

Anyways, we didn't let it get to our nerves. We just ignored and walked away happy with our purchases.

I can't wait for our next day out. :)