How to Backup Blogger Blogs


posted by Jan on


I started blogging in, under the free hosting with Then later I decided to buy a domain for it, still under

I have read that some people have blogger blogs and wake up one day losing their blogs.

Now, we don't want it to happen to us, do we?

And so what do we do?

We make sure to backup our blogs. I just did mine. I did it manually.

You know, in this age where we are dealing with machines and programs, one can't help but play it safe.

So here's how to do a blog backup for blogs under Blogger.

  • Log in to your dashboard
  • Go to settings
  • Go to basic. Under basic, it says, import blog, export blog, delete blog. We don't want to delete our blog, do we? So just click the export blog button:

  • Once you're on export blog, click the export blog button.

  • Save the file. Rename to your blog name and put the date of blog back up.
You would know for sure that whatever happens, your blog, domain, contents, photos, comments, are safe.

Happy blog backupping!