New Blog in the Making and Blog Giveaway


posted by Jan on ,


As if 7 active blogs is not enough, I have created another blog. Hahaha. This blogger is having frenzy blog make over and blog creation. I guess I am just taking advantage of me in the mood to blog. Some of my posts don't relate with my blogs and so yes, I have created another blog, bought a domain for it and read some hostmonster reviews. Just wanna know whether I need to buy a new hosting. Oh no, I am not planning to changing my hosting provider. It's just that I am almost reaching my bandwidth usage. And so it's better to know whether I am needing another one or just keep having one. Need to consult my hosting provider for this also.

I am just excited for this new blog as it includes all that I know about blogging.

Once it's ready, I'm going to put it on public.

For now, it's still in the making.

And oh, I might start a blog giveaway from my other blog at Janet Speaks. If you're keen to get one of these:

uWalk Osim. It's a pocket pedometer that you can use to measure your step count.

please watch out for my blog give away.