Ramesh And Dewi Are Engaged!

posted by Jan on

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Finally, after years of waiting for Ramesh to find the "love of his life", he finally found her. It was a few months back when a friend introduced both of them thru a blind date. They met at Secret Recipe (my favorite shop for cakes). Sparks flew. Chemistry present. They talked and talked for hours. The rest was history. I'm not gonna tell you the juicy details... not sure whether they want me to share it here (respect privacy, that is).

And so, to make the long story short, they got engaged. At the same time and place where they first met each other. Ramesh managed to get Dewi to wear the same clothes she was wearing the first time they met and also they were at the exact table where they ate the first time. Dewi somehow felt there was some kind of weird thing going on but she never thought it was the day Ramesh would propose to her. Oh so romantic. Reminded me on how romantic my engagement was with Peter 5 years ago. Ramesh bought her a nice diamond ring which cost like $$$!!! My eyes were like popping out in disbelief at how much the ring was.
I was going to the Philippines when he was about to propose so he told us of his plans. As a wife of the eldest brother of three, I gave Dewi a saree just to welcome her to the family. I bought it when I was preparing for my wedding and I kept it, thinking that someday, I would give it to the right person.
By the way, Peter has two brothers. Peter is the oldest. The youngest brother, Madhu, married first.... to a Chinese Malaysian. Then 1.5 years later, Peter and I (Filipina) got married. You know the funny part? Ramesh' fiancee, Dewi, is half Filipino- half Chinese Malaysian. What a coincidence! Until now, we still can't believe that everyone is like having a connection with everyone... racially, that is.
The engagement party was last November 17, 2007. I wasn't able to join them coz Samantha was sick. I really missed the party. I thought... it was sad coz I wasn't there to see her wear the saree I gave. But to my surprise, after the party, Ramesh and Dewi came to the house... just to show me how she looked in the saree. Wasn't that sweet? And yes, she looked elegant and beautiful indeed! Mummy and Daddy came to show me the photos the next day.
Glad everything went well. Heard from my MIL that she and Ita (SIL) had late nights preparing the decos for the hall. I saw the photos and loved the orchids. I loved Mummy's flower arrangements. It made the hall bright and beautiful. Anyway.. to Ramesh and Dewi... now that you're engaged... wish you all the best, especially in preparation for your wedding. Will definitely prepare Schenker to be your ring bearer. Samantha is too young to be your flower girl though...

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