Fats-Filled Us

posted by Jan on ,

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It's not just a fats-filled me but a fats-filled us. Why? Because the hubby is in, too. We started doing this Mayo Clinic Diet together 10 days ago. It's more on protein-and-no-carbohydrate diet. What worries me is the fats we're taking in. According to the diet menu plan fats don't produce fats. Fats burn fats. So the more you eat fats, the more you burn fats. Indeed, both my hubby and I had lost weight.

After this 12-day diet, I think I need a colon cleanse or a detox just to flush out all the not-so-good stuff we ate during this 12-day diet. We have two more days to go to finish this plan.

After this, I wanna be healthy again. Like the real Mayo Clinic endorses. To eat all the food in the food pyramid, according to their nutritional value.

... or Jerusalem Diet.

Will have to blog about it soon coz I'm still on the research about it.