The Story of Joseph

posted by Jan


Last month, when my parents were still here, our church did an evangelistic program. They had a play called The Story of Joseph. Since my kids were so much into Bible Stories, we didn't wanna miss watching it.

Our church, FGA (Full Gospel Assembly), is a mega church with 8,000+ members. And when they do presentations/plays, they're sure to be world-class shows. The backdrops had always been delicately made... The last Bible story play we watched was the Story of Jonah, which, until now, my son (2.5 years old then) still talks about it.

Since my parents were here also, all of us paraded to church and watched the play. The Story of Joseph (the dreamer) has always been my favorite story/character in the Bible. So I was glad to be able to watch it with my family. And once again, I was awed at how much effort they spent in making the play as beautiful as it was. And as usual, I admired the costumes, make-up and backdrops. Since the scene was during Biblical times, you could see a lot of brick-made walls and not sure whether they had it made in Ft Myers custom doors, but the buildings with nicely done doors were just amazing.

The actors/actresses acted very well... and the singers were just awesome. The script and the songs were carefully and beautifully written... One can't help but be in tears towards the end of the play. Well, who wouldn't be in tears to hear the story of Joseph? It's an issue of forgiveness and no matter what our brothers/families or even friends had done to us, God always asks us to forgive because He first forgave us.

It's a good experience for my kids to see plays like this.

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