The Girl

posted by Jan

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I love photographing my girl. But she's not patient enough to stand and be still and she would usually give me that forced/fake smile. And while she's doing that, I would usually just snap my shutter away and just look at the best photo later. This photo is my favorite. Although she's once again giving me that fake smile... but I loved and sweetness of it. I kind of adjusted the brightness setting so it gave me this kind of brightness. I know that I'd be needing a good lighting equipment in the future. For now, it's the normal lighting at home that I am using. Would Hinkley lighting give me a natural effect? I guess if I know how to set up my camera and position the model, it could.

For the meantime, I am using a natural source of lighting (the sun) for my outdoor photos.

My boy has a different moods when I photograph him. If he's in the mood, he would do everything I ask him to. If he's not, he would never allow me... not even to press my shutter. He gets very upset when I do that.

There's nothing like respecting the rights of the kids. And so as a mommy photographer, although I have two beautiful photography subjects at home, it is still a challenge to practice, especially getting that perfect portraits from my kids.