Bobbi Brown

posted by Jan

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Years ago, a friend of mine suggested I try Bobbi Brown for my face. I would be willing to but I was still using my Clinique. And besides, Clinique was cheaper than Bobbi Brown. But lately, since I noticed my skin got dry and flaky (due to too much using the same product year after year), I am planning to give Bobbi Brown a try. My skin specialist gave me Beaubelle to use for now. But I guess, once this set is finished, I am heading to Subang Parade cosmetics department and have them check at the
barcode scanner the price of a Bobbi Brown. I can't wait see how much. I hope I can afford to use Bobbi Brown. But for now, while my skin is recovering, I should content myself with using Beaubelle cleansing milk, toner, and hydrating moisturizer. Let's see if my skin will improve after using Beaubelle.

And oh, no... Beaubelle is not cheap either. The only thing with it is just it's only available at certain salons.