MPH Bookstore

posted by Jan

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I just posted about going to Subang Parade yesterday. We basically spent the rest of the day there. Had lunch, coffee, and dinner there. The kids enjoyed it to the brim, I guess. We also went to MPH Bookstore. We never miss going to that bookstore if ever we go to Subang Parade. The kids love hanging out there too. They could choose which books to read and buy later. I spent my time at the creative design section where books about dslr photography be found. I could stay there, forever, you know. LOL. But of course, it's not possible. I could just buy one book, pay at the counter where they use POS systems, go home and read that book forever. Hahaha!

Anyways, when the kids choose their books, I'd still be there to guide them which ones to choose. That's because somtimes, they'd choose the book according to the cover only, and not the content. The contents sometimes are not suited to their age. And one good thing I like about buying books at MPH is that they always have one copy that you can browse through so you'd know what the contents of the books would be. That's why I said I could stay in that bookstore forever reading because I would pick the sample copies and read them while there.