The Love of Reading

posted by Jan

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Both my kids love to read. I only have my girl's photo coz the boy doesn't want me to take his photo while reading. And I respect him for that. The girl has just started learning how to read. They are taught to read by recognition in school. I was worried at first but when Schenker showed how fast he could read just by learning how to read by recognition, I was happy with it. Schenker can read widely now. He can read other books. He reads his Bible almost every night. That's his favorite book to read.

I guess it's very important to inculcate a love for reading for the kids. I know that if they read widely, they have a long way to go. They can do any jobs, management jobs included, when they grow up. Skies the limit. Of course, as long as it's their passion to do so, they could do it easily.

Reading is one of the sources of knowledge. I have learned a lot by just reading. I am thankful that my kids love to read too.