Young at Heart

posted by Jan

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With teaching profession comes many lessons to be learned. I can attest to that. Young as my students are, they have taught me valuable lessons in life. Of course, it has also prepared me to parent teens. My kids are still small, but they’ll become teenagers before I’ll even know it!

It pays to spend time with these young people… listen to their hearts, their dreams and aspirations in life. Many of them don’t really have quality time with their parents, so I am just happy to be there for them. Believe it or not, these young people have also taught me so much about technology! I am coping. I really am! It would not be surprising if I’d have one of those bluetooth stereo headphones one of these days, in fact.

Spending time with young people everyday has made me young at heart. I guess that explains why teachers never seem to grow old. Have you ever wondered about that? I always have. Now I know.