Missing our Movie Nights

posted by purethoughts

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We miss going out for a movie with the kids. Our schedules have been very packed lately so we are thinking that if we could rent or buy a nice family movie that we could watch at home, it would be a good idea.

 I have been asking friends about a good movie they could recommend and one of those is "Flicka"-- a story about a wild stallion that has been trained for competitions. I searched about the movie and it actually has 3 parts now, but we still haven't watched even just one of it. Maybe the movie would spark an interest in horseback riding and equestrianism for the kids. Well, I don't know if it's a good idea to let them ride horses if ever. It's quite a rare sport plus I don't know where to get used english riding apparel here in Malaysia. But who knows, right? Horseback riding has always interested me as a child and maybe it would be a dream come true for me if one of the kids would be a professional rider!

 Ok, so much for my daydreaming-- let's watch that movie first.