Paleo for Kids | Pineapple Smoothie

posted by janet on , , ,

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Yeehaa!!! I finally made the kids paleo pineapple smoothie. They have been asking for it and so I decided to make today since I had time to do it. It's Sunday afterall and what way to spend the afternoon with the family better than having pineapple smoothie and chocolate brownie?

Yep, my chewy chocolate brownie made of raw almonds and raw cashew nuts just made its way back onto our dining table, for the 4th time.

Things said like: "This is the best brownie in the world" and "I am glad you are my mother" are truly heart-warming and encouraging to make treats for my kids. Of course, with an added "I am not flattering you, Mom. Ok?" just melts the heart.

Anyways, here's how I made my paleo pineapple smoothie:


A dash of cinnamon powder
1 cup almond milk
1/3 cup coconut palm sugar syrup
3 limes

Cut the top part of the pineapple and scrape the flesh out.
Place the pineapple flesh into the blender along with other ingredients.
Blend well.
Put back the smoothie into the pineapple shell.
Serve with chocolate brownies made of raw almonds and raw cashew nuts.

And have an awesome snack time with the fams.

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  1. Anonymous