proverbs 31 wife

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As Christians, we all strive to become like that explained in proverbs 31. I want to quote a few good verses from the whole chapter:

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." We can become wives but a wife of noble character is important. We need to have a strong conviction... and not just go with the flow everytime. A conviction to be a wife and not act as a boss or a head of the family. Some wives do this, especially those who believe in feminism.

"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." - This is the verse that still challenges me. I am not a hard working lady when it comes to cleaning the house. Imagine cleaning a two-storey house everyday. It would be fine if I have one of those Miele vacuums. At least it will make the work load lighter. I wonder how women of old times do this. Clean the house everyday, take care of dozen kids, work in the field, and take care of a husband.

I know I am way behind to becoming a Proverbs 31 wife but I am striving to become one. There's nothing like making your husband happy, raise good children and reflecting God's glory in your life as a mother, a wife - a Proverbs 31 wife and a friend.

it's me,