Thank God for Friends

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Yesterday I had some friends over. It was nice having them. The guys did my garden and they did it so well... like the work of professionals. I so love my garden now. The ladies, however came into the kitchen and cleaned my kitchen. Although I don't feel comfortable having somebody does my kitchen, I was still grateful coz I couldn't have done it. Of course, I took care of my living room. I realized that I need to re-upholster my couch set and I'm needing a new set of Discount Blinds. I say discount coz I need a discount for the blinds that I saw last time. Apparently, wooden blinds are expensive compared to the plastic ones. I prefer it wooden. Coupled with yellow lights give it a cozy look.

Anyways, I am thankful to these thoughtful friends. I just invited them for a barbecue at my house but they they came early and decided to help me clean up! What blessing God bestowed on us.

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