Kitchen Stuff

posted by Jan on

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All of the rooms in the house are very important and have its functions. But the kitchen has a special place in my heart. It is where I prepare food to nourish my family. That's why it's no wonder that the first thing I have prepared in our new house was the kitchen.

When I thought we were going to move on Monday this week, I have packed some things from the kitchen that included box cutter, dining set, all the plastic cups, spoons, forks, plates for kids that I got from Ikea, the condiments, and even the canned goods and took them to the new house. The new house, by the way is just 6 houses away from the house we are staying at now. So I'd been walking back and forth to get some of our stuff to the new house.

It's a good thing though that I left some kitchen stuff here... otherwise, I have to go back there again to get the things needed when I cook.

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